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Hello everyone!

A quick update for everyone who still reads my story and for anyone who has started recently.

Due to the virus still being quite bad where I live, it's been difficult to get anything done recently. Especially since I, unfortunately, did have the virus, but was lucky to only have mild symptoms. I'm fine now but it really knocked me back on any progress with any of my stories.

I'm unsure as to what is happening with my workplaces and my own education. Everything is up in the air and I'm trying to grab whatever I can at this point.

I promise to update soon, just as soon as I can piece things back together in my personal life.

The next time you hear from me will be on my birthday (12th January) and hopefully, you will enjoy what's to come!

Also, enjoy the little mood board above! One of my friends made it for me, so hopefully, you can get a feel as to what I'm like 😋

Hope you are all staying safe and doing well in these difficult times. Wishing you all the best for 2021!

Thanks friends

Prison Bride - Yancy X Reader (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now