I Don't Want to be Free

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*disclaimer - I do not own the song (obviously) so all credit goes to the original owner's - Markiplier and The Gregory Brothers*

"Break out? Of this place? Huh... Why would anyone wanna break out?" Yancy jumped off the table and proceeded to sing about how good prison life is. Of course I agreed with what he was saying, mostly. But that didn't mean that I don't want to break out.

Once he had finished singing, he stood in front of me menacingly.

"So tell me. Do you still wanna be free?"

I decided to show him a photo I always kept with me. It was one of my mum and dad. I'd spent so long in here that I had no idea if they even cared anymore. They visited me once when I first got locked up, but since then I've heard nothing from them. Not a peep...

"What's this? Oh, so yous the type a person with one a those family types waitin on the outside, eh?" He paused to take another look at the photo in his now shaking hand. He almost looked sad.

"I too was also one in those familial types. Before the inciden ces..." He threw the photo away from him. I tried to grab it before it hit the ground, but I couldn't catch it.

"Oh forget it! It's best if yous just forget about those familial bonds a youses! They ain't worth it! They always gonna leave you behind so just stick with what youses!" He pointed towards me. I felt sad for him. I didn't know much about him other than the fact he killed his mum, as I heard in his song. I never heard about his father. Hopefully I'd find out soon what happened to Yancy.

"So what's it gonna be uh? You gonna stick with us? Or you gonna go out on your own?" He placed his hands in a thinking position. Much like Mark had done earlier today.

Well above anything...

I want to be free!

Prison Bride - Yancy X Reader (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now