I want to be free!

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I looked up at Yancy, his eyes quizzically looking at me with those dark brown eyes of his. I want to be free... So I have to stand up to them, to him.

I raised my hand and extended it towards Yancy, extending my middle finger upwards as I did. Of course he wasn't happy about it, but I really couldn't care less.

"Oh! So it's like that uh? Well maybe I misjudged you?" I could see he was getting angrier by the second. Not what I intended, but oh well.

"Maybe I was distracted by that handsome and or beautiful face a youses!" Did he just compliment me?

"What are we not good enough for you?" He was yelling now. Almost as loud as the warden when he was angry.

"Oh you just like my dad. Always expecting, always judging. Always criticizing me for my funny accent!" He switched to what seemed like a normal voice. "Oh don't talk like that son were from Ohio" he soon switched back to his funny accent.

He suddenly started flailing his arms around like a madman. "Well guess what dad! You ain't the boss oh me no more! You ain't the boss oh nothing after what I did to yous!" He looked at me again and readied his arms in a fighting stance. Oh no! I'm gonna have to fight him.

"Oh an I'm onna do the same ta yous!" He started to throw punches at me, I dodged as many as I could but took a few hits. His right and left arm were swinging frantically, he almost looked like a human windmill. I ducked a few of his punched and tried to get a few hits in. Yes I hit him! Let's try that again... It worked! If I keep hitting him then I win! Just a few more punches...

Yes! I won!

I watched as he tumbled to the floor breathless. He had a few plasters and bruises on his face now. But I didn't hit him hard enough to cause any major damage.

All the other prisoners ran up to him. They did not look happy. They all turned there heads to looked at me menacingly. They're gonna kill me...

They all started walking towards me, leaving Yancy behind them. They were rubbing their hands together, stretching and practicing punches.

All of a sudden I heard someone yell "Wait!" It was Yancy. He kept telling them to wait as he pulled himself up on Jimmy. Jimmy shook his hands away from Yancy, making him get up himself. He began to walk past all the prisoners, towards me again.

"Maybe I was wrong about yous. Maybe I was wrong about a lot of things." He was apologizing to me. Not what I expected but okay.

"Look it's too late for me. It's too late for us." He gestured towards the other prisoners.

"But I can tell that yous got something worth fightin for out there. So what do you say? Let us let bygones be bygones and let me help yous begone from this place? What do you say?" He extended a hand out towards me for me to shake.

Maybe Yancy isn't all that bad. He's willing to help me escape, but at what cost. Yes I've got something waitin for me on the other side. But I could tell Yancy needed someone right now. He needed someone he could talk to, express his thoughts and feelings safely without being judged. Could I be that for him?

Prison Bride - Yancy X Reader (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now