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I really try to be an optimistic person. I wake up everyday and try to think of all the ways I'm blessed. I'm not anywhere near where I thought I would be at this time in my life, but I remind myself that I'm not where I use to be.

And for that I'm very thankful.

But today.

Today just sucks.

I slept on the couch last night. My back just couldn't handle the hard floor anymore. A broken spring in the couch had dug into my thigh sometime while I was asleep last night. My neighbor, whom I gladly share a wall with, decided blaring music at six a.m. was a wonderful idea. The music coming from the thin wall separating our living spaces literally made me jump up. The rusty broken spring that had dug into my leg, ripped my skin and I'm pretty sure I need a tetanus shot.

But who has the money or time for hospital visits?

Not me.

After I stopped the bleeding and cleaned the cut with some peroxide, I went to the shower to turn the water on. I had to be at work in a couple of hours so I decided to go ahead and get ready.

I grabbed the old pair of pliers lying on the edge of the tub to turn the knob on the shower. After multiple times of trying, the water never came on. I tried the bathroom sink and the kitchen sink too.

I guess the water was off for some reason. I know I paid the bill.

I really wanted a shower this morning. I was too tired to get one last night and I told myself I would shower when I woke up.

I'm regretting that decision.

After getting dressed and pulling my thick hair into a tight bun, I decided to go ahead and walk to the diner. I had very little at home to eat so I wanted time to eat before I clocked in to start work.

As I'm walking towards the diner, I hear a clap of thunder in the distance. Rain around here is anything but new. It's just that when I watched the news yesterday at the diner the meteorologist said that it would be clear today. So I didn't bring any rain gear with me.

I won't be doing that again.

No matter what, I'll bring everything with me from now on.

Just in case.

I walk by Roil enterprises and look up at the tall structure. I'm always amazed at the site of this building regardless of how many times I've seen it. The place also reminds me of the three boys I haven't ran into in weeks.

Guess it wasn't fate after all.

I'm use to this though. People coming into my life without warning and leaving the same way.

People always leave.

One way or another.

See? I'm such a pessimist today.

I finally reach the diner and thankfully no rain fell from the darkening sky. Although the thunder clapped and I saw a few lightning strikes.

"Gabriella, where's your raincoat and umbrella?" I hear Mrs. Miller question me as I walk into the diner.

Lucinda Miller is a sweet older lady. She's my bosses boss. Also known as Richard's wife.

"Hi, Lucy. I didn't know it was suppose to rain today, so I left everything at home." I give her a smile and she returns it.

"Well if it rains when your shift is over then Richard and I will drive you." I'm about to tell her no that I'm okay but she quickly adds "no arguing."

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