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as wonwoo arrived, at the small home that his father had bought a few years back when they had decided that they were gonna have to come over multiple times for their business, he unpacked his stuff before notifying mingyu

right as wonwoo had sent a message, his phone started buzzing with a videocall request from mingyu. wonwoo picked it up, happy to see his man

"darling" wonwoo cooed as he brought his phone closer

"sweetheart, how are you?" mingyu cooed back, he was lying on the couch

"i'm alright, just a little bit tired from all the moving, but look at what i made," wonwoo placed his phone down and excitedly pulled out a long turquoise coloured scarf, "i made it myself on the plane," he smiled

"that's cute, you should make one for me," mingyu complimented, "i want it purple,"

"but this is your favourite colour," wonwoo's voice quietened after hearing that mingyu wanted another colour

"but purple is your favourite colour," mingyu stated, "i'll wear your favourite colour and you wear mine," mingyu suggested which had brought wonwoo's face to light up

"that works too, i'll get at it as soon as i go back," wonwoo agreed

"you don't have to, it isn't urgent since i already have you," mingyu winked which caused wonwoo to blush a big mess and reach for the end button

kmg; whyd u do that for?

jww; sry

jww; im not used to it yet

kmg; but ive been doing it for a while now

jww; silence.

kmg; alright, i understand

jww; i hv to go, fish farm duties

kmg; goodluck on that

kmg; stay safe

jww; thanks,, good luck to u too on your games

kmg; i love u!!1!

jww; i love u too!

what wonwoo didn't know was that mingyu had a flight to japan in a week's time for his competition as well.

a.n; for anyone who reads all of my books.

i'll be going on hiatus for a while. sorry for the sudden news, but i'll definitely will come and lurk and make sure all of my readers are taking care of themselves!!1!1

take care of yourselves while i'm gone :D

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