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days have passed, wonwoo and mingyu were busy with their own things, taking care of their pets and gaming. wonwoo had spent his free time, looking for upcoming teams who were recruiting members to play with them

that was when wonwoo had stumbled across a post online, where people were searching for another teammate for them to create a new team to compete in competitions. curious, he opened the posts, which wasn't from too long ago

he had saved the post and shared it to mingyu, who was still busy in game. wonwoo hoped mingyu would still look into going professional as mingyu was the type to be unsure of his decisions


it had been a few hours since wonwoo had sent mingyu a message but he still hasn't gotten a reply from the younger and it worried wonwoo a lot

wonwon; mingyu?

wonwon; are u thr?

wonwon; u havent replied me for some time,,

wonwon; im worried,,

gyu; dw,, im alright

gyu; come outside

wonwoo was confused. did mingyu get himself into trouble again? he sighed before throwing on his favourite sweater before meeting mingyu

"mingyu, what are you doing here?" wonwoo asked as he opened the door, shocked to see mingyu holding a bouquet of flowers 

"happy monthsary! i love you!" mingyu shouted as he raised the bouquet closer to wonwoo's face, signaling him to take it

"you didn't have to, as long as i'm with you, i don't need any celebration" wonwoo reasoned 

"but i wanted to. i felt as if i had been neglecting you for my future career and i though of this as a make up for you" mingyu joked around when he talked about his career

"thank you, but my dad would find out since it's so,,,big" wonwoo softened his voice, he didn't know how to keep this from his parents, "and i did send you a post about a team wanting to recruit one more person before debuting in the pro leagues" he added

"oh, really? sorry, i had been caught up in games and thinking of what i could get you for our 3 months of being together" mingyu scratched his head

"you don't have to spend anything on me, i'd be happy as long as i have you by my side, together or not" wonwoo said as he brushed mingyu's hair to the side

"i love you wonwon" mingyu placed a kiss on his forehead

"i love you too, dummy" wonwoo smiled, tiptoeing to kiss mingyu on the lips

"i'm your dummy" 

wonwoo had kept the flowers in his room, next to his bed, before he walked back outside to have a stroll with mingyu to spend their monthsary

"you know,," mingyu started

wonwoo hummed in response, looking up to mingyu

"there's this one team that has reached out to me,,"

"did you agree? are they nice? are they good?" wonwoo asked with excitement in his eyes

mingyu smiled, "we're still in the talks of it, i did play some games with them, they are good, but,," mingyu trailed off, smile fading from his face

"but what?" the smile on wonwoo's face dropped, eyes dull and concerned about what mingyu has to say next

"they did say that we couldn't date, i have to devote most of my time to the team,, i'm sorry won, i don't think i could do this to you, i don't want to leave you" mingyu explained as he held wonwoo's hands in his

wonwoo forced a smile, "oh,, then go mingyu. this is what you wanted, you've realized your dream and here you are, just a step away from achieving it. don't worry about me" wonwoo assured

"i don't want to, i'd rather abandon that dream and marry you instead" mingyu pouted 

"you could marry me after you achieve your dream mingyu" wonwoo tried to brighten up the situation

"but until then, can we be lowkey?" 

wonwoo giggled, "of course" 

"thank you, i love you i love you i love you" mingyu whispered over and over 

"i should be the one thanking you, for choosing your future over me" wonwoo pulled away from the hug

"you are my future"

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