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after school, wonwoo had got on onto mingyu's bike, which soon drifted off to the place where they had spent their first date

"let's go in" mingyu suggested as he dragged wonwoo into the shop

mingyu went to find the shopkeeper while wonwoo was left alone to admire the figurines again. and just when wonwoo thought he was alone, he felt someone touch him

"hey, did not expect to see you again, say, why don't we go somewhere private?" the same man from before was here again

"sir, i have a boyfriend, and i would like it if you'd stop touching me" wonwoo backed away, trying to maintain distance from this man

"c'mon, i'll show you what's fun" the man said, reaching his arm out to wonwoo, trying to bring wonwoo somewhere

"why are you here again? what are you doing? didn't he tell you not to touch him anymore?" mingyu came in between the two, defending wonwoo as he looked like he was about to break down again

"who are you?"

"his boyfriend"

the man scoffed and left, not forgetting to curse mingyu as he blamed him for getting in the way with having fun with wonwoo

"are you alright? i'm sorry, i shouldn't have left you alone" mingyu apologised while he checked for any blemishes

"i'm alright, no harm was done" wonwoo assures, though there wasn't any harm done physically, wonwoo felt insecure about himself again

"let's bring you home, i've got you a gift" mingyu tried cheering wonwoo up

and when they've got to wonwoo's house, mingyu pulled out two figurines, one of bou and one of blu

"since when? i love it! thank you mingyu" wonwoo exclaimed, shocked as he didn't expect mingyu to have had this done for him

mingyu shrugged and kissed wonwoo on the cheek, "do you like it?"

wonwoo nodded and kissed mingyu tons of times, thanking him over and over again

"i love you darling" mingyu smiled

"i love you too, dummy" wonwoo said as he admired the fine artwork


it had been a week since, and here mingyu was again, helping mr jeon. he paced around anxiously as he heard mr jeon on the phone with his lover, scolding him about something

and when mingyu was done helping around mr jeon, you'd bet he rushed to wonwoo's place, concerned if anything serious happened. mingyu had to bang onto the door multiple times before wonwoo opened the door, only peeking his head out

"what are you doing here? it's late" wonwoo asked as he revealed more of himself

"are you okay? i've heard you got into an argument with your dad" mingyu asked

"wait, how'd you know?"

and that's when mingyu realised that he's stupid, wonwoo still didn't know about his part time job, "oh, one of my members overheard a phone call, and they said that you name was mentioned" mingyu lied horribly

wonwoo sighed angrily, pushing his glasses up, " i thought i told you to disband it? what happened to that?" 

mingyu broke a sweat, ah yes that. 

"they refused to leave, and they see me as a respectable leader" mingyu lied again 

"you're a horrible liar, you know that?" wonwoo crossed his arms


"mingyu, don't let it come to a point where i have to make you choose between me or them" wonwoo said before closing the door, mad that mingyu didn't keep his promise the other day

and since then, wonwoo had been ignoring mingyu, which resulted in a sulking mingyu where he yearned for wonwoo's attention, but he couldn't bring himself to disband the gang. he did make multiple attempts to reach out to wonwoo, trying to explain himself, but most of the time, he would be left on read or ignored. even wonwoo refuses to get rides to school on his bike now


"mingyu, i know you've been working for me for almost a month now" mr jeon started

"yes, i have" mingyu signaled mr jeon to continue

"and, i did mention you to my son before" 

mingyu was excited, could this be the chance where wonwoo would talk to him again?

"and he did say he wanted to meet you"

"so i'm inviting you over for dinner, since you're around his age, i think you two would get along" mr jeon ended before mingyu stood up 

"yes yes! i'll go, when is it?" mingyu asked with eagerness

"as soon as possible, my son makes dinner every day, so it is up to you when you're available" mr jeon stated, before packing up to close up for the day

"i'm available! like right now, today" mingyu rushed to help mr jeon pack up, eager to finally be able to talk to wonwoo again

"alright, i would let my son know" mr jeon said as he called wonwoo

and when he had ended the call, he looked over at mingyu, "i suppose you don't need my address, since you've costed me my grand prize" not glancing over at mingyu, he still remembered

"oh, yes, i'm sorry about that, i'll repay you the favor! i promise" mingyu begged, he didn't want to leave a bad impression on mr jeon

mr jeon sighed, "alright, then go home and get changed, i'll see you at 8" 

mingyu nodded and left, rushing home to look his best after not being able to talk to wonwoo for so long 

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