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when mingyu has showered and got ready, he looked his best, hoping that wonwoo would talk to him then, and maybe introduce him as his boyfriend to his parents

and when mingyu had showed up on their front door, mrs jeon opened the door. her eyes widened in admiration, having to see much eye candy for a lady with such age like her, was rare

"kim mingyu...is it?" she asked, not sure whether if it was the boy or not

mingyu nodded, "yes, i'm kim mingyu" mingyu bowed as mrs jeon invited mingyu in

the first thing that mingyu saw when he entered the kitchen, hoping to get a chance to help the older in preparing dinner for the family, was wonwoo in an apron

mingyu did manage to steal some moments of wonwoo cooking on his phone, how cute

"wonwoo.." mingyu started, afraid of how wonwoo was going to react, seeing mingyu in his house

"mingyu? what are you doing here? i have a special guest coming over today, i don't have time" wonwoo paced around the kitchen

"but wonwoo, i'm still your boyf" mingyu was cut off by wonwoo's parents entering the area

"wonwoo, so this has been the boy i have been talking about" mr jeon said as he introduced mingyu

wonwoo looked at mingyu in shock, all this time, mingyu ditched him, to help his dad? wonwoo felt really thought of, like mingyu had thought of all these way before he did

"oh, nice to meet you, i'm wonwoo" it was awkward, since they already knew each other, but wonwoo's parents didn't know

they sat down next to each other and had a nice long dinner, with mingyu finally be able to talk to wonwoo after a week

"it's late already mingyu, you should go home" mr jeon stood up

mingyu agreed, and he tried his best to not kiss wonwoo goodnight

right when mingyu was about to exit, mr jeon added, "oh wonwoo?"


"mingyu is also.."

wonwoo was confused, did his dad found out about them?

"the one who caused siu's death"

and wonwoo felt his whole world shatter and it sounded way worse than his parents finding out about them

"wonwoo wait" mingyu pleaded as he saw wonwoo turn his back on them, rushing back into his room. he had locked the door, which resulted in mingyu having to knock on it multiple times

"go away, i don't want to see you" wonwoo said as he sat against the back of the door, refusing to cry

"alright, you don't have to see me then, talk to me" mingyu figured, hoping wonwoo would understand

"i don't want anything to do with you" wonwoo said, before he broke down in tears

all mingyu felt in that moment was utter shit, he felt like the worst boyfriend ever. he didn't mean to do this, he planned to let wonwoo know in a way, but this was definitely not the way. with each sob wonwoo cried out, the more of mingyu's heart broke

"please, leave us alone, you've caused enough damage" mr jeon crossed his arms. so this was his plan all along? to break them apart?

"you planned all of this didn't you? you knew there was something going on between us didn't you? you wanted to get your revenge on me,," mingyu turned to mr jeon with anger in his eyes, he wasn't happy at all

"something going on? there's something between the both of you? what kind of nonsense are you talking about? i know my son well enough, he would never fall for someone like you" mr jeon spat as mrs jeon had got herself into wonwoo's room to calm him down


"i'm sorry" wonwoo looked up at his mother

"for what?" 

"for being gay and having you to find out like this" wonwoo started crying again

"baby, it's not your fault, we can't control who we love, and if you two click, then you two click, no one can ever get in between that" mrs jeon cooed, she embraced wonwoo in a tight hug, reassuring everything is going to be okay again

"but, dad isn't too happy about this, i'll have to make the decision for us"

mrs jeon was at loss for words, she didn't want wonwoo to be restricted from living his own life. she lifted wonwoo's head again, "baby, there's no need for that, we as parents would understand, your father and i were in such situation as well, we had unforseen circumstances that caused problems here and there, but look at us now" 

wonwoo cheered up a little bit from that, having his mum understand that love was also an important element of life, was just relieving for wonwoo

"but, dad's arguing with mingyu,," wonwoo mutters, afraid that this would be the last time they would meet

"they'll settle it themselves, i'm sure the both of them would come to terms, after you show up" she smiled

wonwoo pointed at himself, "me? i don't want to see mingyu right now", though he felt much love for the boy outside, he still had felt betrayal. 

how could mingyu not told him earlier?

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