thirty six

363 15 1

months have passed

it was another day for wonwoo, where he would rush home from school, have a quick shower, before plopping down in his bed as he turns on his phone to open up the livestream for MJ's upcoming game 

though the both of them had not been in contact lately, and wonwoo was starting to think that mingyu had met someone else in the industry but he shook the thought off as he trusted mingyu fully 

wonwoo went out into the kitchen to get some fruits for him to snack on as he watched the matches as he sat by the pond

biu and bou swam towards wonwoo, expecting food but wonwoo chuckled and shook his head, "i've fed you earlier, i'm supporting your papa" wonwoo blushed as he realized what he had said 

as the match started, it was a best of three, which meant mingyu had to win two games to win, wonwoo was anxious as mingyu didn't look his best during the performance, which had worried wonwoo

wonwoo silently cheered for him as he sat nervously behind the screen, hoping for MJ to win. and they did, for the first game

as there was a twenty minute break for the players before the second game, wonwoo decided to text mingyu to ask him if he was okay 

jww; are u okay?

jww; u dont seem ok during the match

jww; are u sick? 

jww; did something happen?

wonwoo hoped that mingyu would reply soon, but as the second game was getting closer, there was no reply from mingyu, which worried wonwoo and he felt down as he didn't think mingyu would've been that busy backstage for twenty minutes and made no time to check his phone

'maybe he's ignoring me?' wonwoo thought

as the second game ended, it was devastating as MJ had a big difference between the two teams, which had dragged the team down from their high spirits

still hoping, wonwoo decided to text again

jww; u did yr best for the second game

jww; ull do extremely well later, like u always do ^^ <3 

though wonwoo knew he still wouldn't reply, at least mingyu could look at it later when he's going back to the gaming house

third game started, wonwoo was anxious again, cheering for mingyu as he noticed mingyu was sweating in the arena, though mingyu had told him it was cold during ongoing games, which concerned wonwoo even more

as the game came to an end, MJ won, though it had been a close game for them. MJ had walked out to the center and bowed, and the announcer was going to interview them

the stream had showed some of the fans support both teams, with quite a number of female fans which held banners for mingyu

"he's so handsome isn't he?"

"he could've been a model with that face"

"is he single?" 

many comments were made for mingyu as they cheered

"now, i know today was the last game for the season, and MJ had turned out to be the champion for this season, do throw in your questions for the players of MJ to answer" the interviewer asked as she smiled brightly

"how do you all feel after winning champions for this season?" she asked

"we're extremely honoured to win and we feel accomplished after all the hard trainings that we had went through for the past months" said kAeru, their leader

"oh there is a lot of questions for mingyu" she said as she read all the questions, trying to find one for the team

"what inspired you to go competitive?" 

"hmm, it has to be when i had felt like i was getting nothing done at home other than playing games all day long, so i thought, why not? mingyu tried his best to smile as he felt dreadful

wonwoo smiled on the other end, knowing that he pushed mingyu to do it 

"next, why not a model?" 

"i have never thought of that actually" mingyu laughed lightly as he felt his head banging

"ah i see, lastly, are you single?" she giggled as she asked, it was obvious that she found him attractive as well

"well,,," mingyu started as he looked among the fans

"could he be dating saejin?" fans asked among themselves, as they analyzed their interactions

"but they're restricted from dating, no?"

"they could be" 

"actually, i'm-" mingyu started, but couldn't manage to finish as he collapsed onto the floor in a sweat

wonwoo widened his eyes, and changed into his sweater as he rushed to the nearest hospital as he waited for mingyu to arrive into the hospital

'please be okay, please be okay, please be okay' 

.goldfish. kmg x jwwحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن