thirty five

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"wonwoo wake up" mingyu had awoken first, he looked around the room and remembered what wonwoo had told him the night before and he kissed his cheeks and pulled the covers towards wonwoo, tucking him in more

mingyu got up to freshen up, he took a shower and brushed his teeth, then making his way down to check the mail. his eyes widened in shock as he received a letter from his team

"Dear Mingyu

We are excited to announce to you that we are going to debut you this upcoming Friday match against JVA. You have practiced hard and trained well with us. It is time for you to come onto the stage and play for the team. 



mingyu was excited, yet feeling a bit gloomy. this was his dream wasn't it? why doesn't he feel great?

"gyu?" a messy haired wonwoo walked out, still wrapped himself in the covers that mingyu pulled over

mingyu hid the letter behind him as wonwoo approached mingyu, squinting his eyes as he knew mingyu was hiding something from him

"c'mon show me what is it" wonwoo insisted as he leaned closer 

mingyu sighed, pulling out the letter, letting wonwoo read it as he went to make breakfast for the both of them 

"that's great! you're already there mingyu. now all that's left is to-" wonwoo trailed off as he realized that mingyu would have to move in with MJ as well so that they could spend most of their time together and train 24/7 and this would leave wonwoo alone again

"yeah,, that was the reason why i didn't want to take the offer" mingyu scratched his head as he sat down for breakfast

"i mean, that's still fine for me! you're achieving your dream! well, i still haven't had an idea of what i wanna do yet" wonwoo admitted as he looked down

"i'm sure you'll find what you're passionate for" mingyu winked, brightening the mood as wonwoo had snickered 

"when do you have to go then?" 

"three days before the competition, which would be tuesday?" mingyu asked to confirm

"yeppo, so tomorrow?"

mingyu widened his eyes, "tomorrow? that soon?" mingyu pouted, realizing how much time he has left to spend with wonwoo until countless grinding of games

"yeah, don't sulk. we can spend today together and i'll help you pack after that" wonwoo suggested and mingyu didn't feel like arguing with him on the last day together

they had spent the whole day outside, doing what the both of them liked, goldfishes, videogame shops, arcades and cafe dates, until it was dark outside, which meant it was time for mingyu to pack up 

"you know, i won't be heading out of the house as often anymore after you go" wonwoo admitted as he folded mingyu's clothes

"you're saying it as if i'm going to die soon"  mingyu replied 

"i mean, the only point i ever go out is because of you, and other than that, i would be at home" wonwoo said as he tried not to cry

"aw, don't cry" mingyu tried to comfort wonwoo by pulling him into a hug

wonwoo shook his head, signaling mingyu to let go, but this was probably their last hug until god knows when

"i'm gonna miss you a lot" wonwoo admitted as he wiped his tears

"i'm gonna miss you a whole lot" mingyu comforted as he placed a kiss on wonwoo's head

just like that, was their farewell

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