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it was a new day, which meant today was the first day of the program.

looking at the time, wonwoo was already annoyed, decided it was about time he woke up to shower and prepare for the day. after he had showered, he sat by his little pond in the house, the water was a bit too cold for the goldfish he had named, blu, his favourite.

"still sleeping, huh ?" wonwoo asked himself as blu wasn't moving, but his fins were every now and then to keep him balanced. he went to adjust the temperature for blu so that he'd at least be comfortable sleeping

"you sure spoil your fish too much woo" stated mrs jeon as she signaled wonwoo that she was leaving for work

"they deserve it" smiled wonwoo as blu had awoke, swimming towards wonwoo for a small breakfast. wonwoo always had this routine of his for some time now, with blu being his little baby, he would do anything for him

'well, time for school, bye bye blu' wonwoo whispered to himself as he wore his shoes and picked his bag up and left for school


"how's blu doing?" asked jeonghan, he knew how much wonwoo loved the fish, it was his most prized possession

"blu's been good, healthy as ever, along with the rest" wonwoo smiled as he did his work, a single thought of blu could brighten his day

or was everything going to change soon?

"good morning class, today i would want all of you to sit with your assigned partners for the semester, and as for those who do not have a partner, you may sit wherever you like" stated mr lee

"goodbye woo" jeonghan greeted before moving behind wonwoo, wonwoo didn't think that would be far, as jeonghan previously sat in front of him.

"hey mingyu," greeted wonwoo as mingyu took a seat next to him, but only to be ignored as mingyu started to sleep in class

"take notes for me, we'll head to my house after school to help me catch up" was what mingyu said before going back to sleep

"but i don't have time after school, i have things to take care of" reasoned wonwoo

"such as?" mingyu sat up, wanting to hear his list of excuses

"i've got pets to take care of, plus no one's at home to do it, so i have to do it myself, and i have games to play" said wonwoo as he blushed slightly, as mingyu was staring a bit too long for wonwoo's liking

"then, we'll do it at your house then, since no one is going to be home" mingyu suggested, he was right, since he didn't had anyone at home by then, what's wrong with going to his house?

"ah, about that, my house isn't in the best condition right now, it's messy" wonwoo explained, he didn't want mingyu to find out that he was a huge fish enthusiast, what was mingyu going to think of him?

"or, we could just go to the library, simple as that, we don't have to go to anyone's house," mingyu replied, but wonwoo didn't had the time to

"like i said, i have pets to care for," wonwoo puffed out

"then, we'll head to your house, you clean the mess up, before we start, does your smart ass understand what i'm saying?" mingyu shot at him. 

but wonwoo was a sensitive boy, he didn't like being insulted, he hated how people would judge him before knowing it. but there was a reason why he was like that, but mingyu didn't need to know why

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