thirty four

389 17 2

mingyu realized the situation and stopped his tracks, he sat up and moved to the side, allowing wonwoo to sit up

"sorry, i don't think i'm ready for that yet" wonwoo apologized as he brought his knees to his chest

mingyu looked at wonwoo with apologetic eyes, "i'm sorry, i shouldn't have. i'm an idiot who doesn't know how to wait" mingyu said as he got off the bed, but wonwoo grabbed his wrists before he could leave the room

"i have to tell you something,,," wonwoo admitted as he bit his lip, afraid mingyu would judge him

"alright, but let's take a bath first, shall we?" mingyu suggested. wonwoo nodded and pouted as he raised his arms up, signaling mingyu to carry him to the bathroom

mingyu had prepared the tub for the both of them, not forgetting to add extra bubbles inside, wonwoo's favourite

"wonwoo, the bath's ready" mingyu noted, wonwoo nodded and took off his clothes shyly, as he was insecure about his petite body

"turn around" wonwoo said as he felt eyes following him

mingyu nodded as he turned to face the corner as wonwoo took off his clothes. he then heard water splashes, indicating that wonwoo has gotten in, mingyu turned around and took off his clothes and got in, sitting himself behind wonwoo

wonwoo rested himself against mingyu's chest as mingyu played with wonwoo's hair

"how was your day today?" mingyu asked as he washed wonwoo's hair for him

"it was"

mingyu hummed, signalling wonwoo to continue, "you can tell me anything"

"difficult" wonwoo sighed, "everyday has been, ever since we've been apart" his voice trembled as he pulled his knees closer

"having to go to school alone, i'm afraid something would happen to me like before, and you weren't there to protect me" wonwoo admitted as mingyu rinsed out the shampoo in his hair

"let's get you out of here" mingyu suggested as he grabbed a towel to wrap around wonwoo's small frame

mingyu's sweater was passed to wonwoo, which wonwoo immediately wore, inhaling mingyu's scent on it, the type of scent he would smell from hugging mingyu

wonwoo got himself comfortable in mingyu's bed, feeling the soft covers as mingyu had tucked him in. mingyu walked out to get a glass of water for wonwoo as it seemed as wonwoo hasn't been hydrating himself well enough

"so, is there anything you wanna continue on what you said previously?" mingyu asked as he got himself under the sheets

"well" wonwoo started as he placed his hands together, anxious about how mingyu would feel if he were to tell him about it

"a few years ago, my dad was closing up the shop, but there were lots to clean up, then he called me to help him but it was really late at night" wonwoo looked outside the window, afraid that he would cry if he were to look mingyu in the eyes

"i then walked through a dark alley, then i had managed to trip myself and a man approached me and wanted to help me, though it was a small scratch, he then insisted that he should, so i gave up and allowed him to, which was dumb of me" wonwoo continued as he fidgeted with his thumbs

"the man then pushed me to a wall and started to" wonwoo paused, looking up at the ceiling, trying his best not to cry

"sexually harass me" wonwoo looked down at his hands, not being able to hold it in anymore, he let it all out

"it's okay if you don't want to continue, i understand" mingyu said as he grabbed tissues from the nightstand

"no, it's alright. then, a man passed by and noticed, and pulled him off me, which he then punched continuously and told the man to never do that again"

"and he gave you a sweater to cover up all the damage the man has done, didn't he?" mingyu ended, which caused wonwoo to widen his eyes

"how did you know?" wonwoo stuttered

mingyu smiled softly, "because that man,,," he paused, "was me"

"and the sweater had been my favourite one ever since" wonwoo admitted as he pulled the covers closer to himself

"yeah, and that was my favourite too"

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