twenty one

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it had been a week since mingyu and wonwoo had taken a break, though wonwoo did listen to his parents. he had gone home straight after school and stayed home for the rest of the day until mingyu would throw pebbles by his window, before he snuck out of the house to walk with mingyu

as always, wonwoo would always bring the bear along with him, "mingyu, you still haven't explained to me yet on why you did it" wonwoo stopped his track

"uh, sorry, wonwoo, i really am. i didn't know it was going to turn out like this" mingyu looked sad, he looked onto his feet and held wonwoo's hands in his

"i love you a lot, and i don't want to lose you ever because of my stupid actions, but if there ever comes a day that we're no longer together-" mingyu was cut off as wonwoo hugged him tightly

"don't say that please" wonwoo begged as he held onto mingyu tightly

"still, all i wish for you is to be happy, with or without me" mingyu pulled wonwoo away to face him

"i don't think i'll be any happier since you're here" and mingyu swore he felt his heart melt after wonwoo said that

"i love you too, and i hope you forgive me for the stupid mistakes i've made in the past, from now on, i will change myself to be a better man for you" 

"really? you would do that for me? the people around me wouldn't even bother limit themselves from things that they shouldn't do, for me" wonwoo admitted

"they're them, and i'm mingyu. i'm the one who is dating you, not them. you are only for me, and i'm only for you" mingyu said as he caressed wonwoo's cheek, "now, what would you want me to stop?" 

"i need time to think about it" wonwoo said as he felt a buzz from his phone 

and what wonwoo saw was heartbreaking

cheol; you have to believe me won, i was there when it happened

he received a message from seungcheol, and it was a video and multiple pictures of mingyu, wrapping his arms around another girl at the club

wonwoo backed away from mingyu, looking at him in disbelief. his body started to shake, he didn't believe what he saw and what he heard, from both mingyu and seungcheol

"what's wrong?" mingyu asked as he tried to come closer towards wonwoo

"mingyu,, i think we should take this break seriously" 

"what do you mean? i thought you didn't want to take a break, i thought you were doing this because of your parents" mingyu took a step back after wonwoo raised his arm towards him

"don't come closer kim, you're a liar, i've been fooled all along" wonwoo said as his voice quivered before he took off 

"wonwoo wait!" mingyu said before he realised it was too late

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