thirty eight

338 13 5

when wonwoo had gotten home, it was 11pm, meaning that he would have to feed the fish once more before winding down 

after wonwoo had done so, he soaked himself in a hot bath, as he released all the pulled tensions in his body. he then quickly remembered that seungcheol had something to tell him, quickly reaching for his phone, he texted


jww; uh hey

jww; u said u had smth to tell me earlier?

sc; uhm yeah 

jww; what is it

sc; wonwoo

jww; yes?

sc; i am in love w u and im being srs abt it 

jww; uh, seungcheol u do know that im dating mingyu

jww; right?

sc; let's not talk abt him now

sc; would u consider me if mingyu didnt mean anything to u?

jww; im sorry

sc; do u thk he actually loves u?

jww; he does.

sc; are u sure?

jww; why wouldnt i be

sc; will he fulfill all the promises hes made for u? or leave them as it is

jww; i know he will

sc; will he calm u down whenever yr mad? 

jww; he always does

sc; would he prioritise u over sleep? 

jww; uhm

sc; would he leave u out of the convos he has w other ppl?

jww; uh, seungcheol, could u stop w the questions abt us,,

sc; would he enjoy all yr cooking? 

sc; bc i would

sc; would he bully u until yr upset?

sc; i wldnt let that happen

wonwoo was tired of all the weird messages he was receiving from seungcheol, and he turned off his phone so that he didn't have to deal with him as he relaxed

he got out of the bath and dressed in his leisure clothes, then hopped into bed as he turned on his laptop and facetimed mingyu

"hello beautiful" mingyu said as he saw wonwoo

"hi" wonwoo smiled shyly into the camera

and they had conversed over the same topics they had talked about before, until mingyu had noticed wonwoo was acting different

"what's wrong? you're acting different" mingyu asked as wonwoo was thinking 

"it's nothing, i'll let you know after i settle it" wonwoo assured before they continued on 

the next morning he turned on his phone and received even more messaged from seungcheol

sc; would he hug u whn yr cold?

sc; would he bring u whrever he goes?

sc; would he bring u across the world to travel?

sc; would he marry u

sc; is he capable of that

and wonwoo has never felt so annoyed in his entire lifetime, sure he was patient, but this was getting out of hand. it was obvious wonwoo wouldn't leave mingyu's side no matter what happens

jww; i believe everything would turn out perfectly fine as it is, and sorry, i cant return your feelings. i cant bring myself to do that to mingyu, he doesnt deserve that

sc; but he dsnt deserve u

jww; how could u tell?

sc; the way he treats the girls in the competition, arent just fan service. the way he looks at them, eyes full of lust

sc; y do u thk he doesnt reply u whnevr he has time backstage aft games?

sc; i know, bc ive seen it

jww; stop, please dont contact me 

 wonwoo was now a stressful mess, he didn't know what to believe, he always felt like the world likes playing games with him. he just didn't want to promise seungcheol anything, knowing that he wouldn't leave the younger's side despite of any mishap

wonwoo wanted to know the truth, so he screenshotted the text and asking mingyu if it was true or not 

'please be false, please be false'

kmg; who told u that?

.goldfish. kmg x jwwWhere stories live. Discover now