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the following night, wonwoo laid on his bed, his head was filled with numerous thoughts. he didn't know what to do, text mingyu? go to sleep? he couldn't even fall asleep. talk to his parents about it? he doesn't feel like it

wonwoo mustered all his courage to pick up his phone and call mingyu instead. surprisingly, mingyu picked up on the first ring 


"wonwoo! i'm so sorry that i fucked everything up, i'm sorry, i know i'm useless and stupid for saying things before i even think. i'm sorry that you are dating someone like me" mingyu went on and on, on the other side

wonwoo sighed, "mingyu, why didn't you tell me earlier?" 

"i was afraid that if you knew, i wouldn't have a chance anymore,,"

"i don't know, mingyu, anyone would fall for you either way, but why did you hide it from me, you knew i was affected from it" 

"i'm sorry, i didn't expect someone so quiet and soft like you to like someone like me,, violent and rough

"mingyu, we love people for who they are themselves, not what they've done" wonwoo sighed, he didn't want it to go like this

"i know, i'm just sorry, i know i disappoint you all the time, i shouldn't be with you, you're out of my league, i don't deserve you at all" mingyu's voice broke



"let's take a break"

mingyu felt as if his world shattered, he knew he fucked up badly, he felt his heart break into pieces as he heard wonwoo's heavy breathing on the other side of the call. he wanted to be there for him, to hold him, tell him everything's okay, but this is all his fault

"...if that makes you feel better,, i won't stop you"

"sorry it had to end up like this, mingyu. i just need time alone.."

"it's alright... i'll wait for you a lifetime just to be with you...even if it's just for a short moment" mingyu wished him the best before ending the call

so this was it. the end, temporary. wonwoo lied on his bed, crying as he held the human sized teddy bear that mingyu gifted him. he felt vulnerable, so alone and yet so disturbed until both his parents entered his room 

"baby.." mrs jeon started as she sat on wonwoo's bed

"i don't want to see anyone right now, i want to be alone" wonwoo asked for, which is parents sighed and kept quiet

"son, i know this was a hard decision for you to make, but it is for the best" mr jeon started

"what good is it if i'm not happy?" wonwoo held the bear tighter than before

"we've decided for you to spend more time with seungcheol" mrs jeon said, which shocked wonwoo 

"why? why out of a sudden you're suggesting this? what did i do wrong this time? i did what you wanted already, can you just leave me alone?" wonwoo fought back

"this is our decision, and plus seungcheol suits you more than mingyu, what good would mingyu bring to us? he has caused us so much trouble, have you forgotten? he was the one who put you in such darkness" mr jeon raised his voice, trying to prove a point

"so what? siu's already dead! it's not like making me leave him would bring her back to life, can it?" wonwoo shouted back, in which he received a slap from his own father

"you will do as we say! mingyu had already left enough of an impression for us, he is not suitable for you, our son will not get with a lowlife!" mr jeon raised his voice even louder, not caring if it was going to wake up the whole neighbourhood 

wonwoo looked to his mother in disbelief, he thought she was on his side. until he saw her nodding to whatever his dad had to say, "mum? aren't you going to say anything? i thought you said we can't control who we love, love is an important element in life! isn't that what you said earlier?" 

"i'm sorry, but your father has made a point, mingyu will not bring any good to our family nor our business" mrs jeon said as she stood up, "and from now on, after school you are to come home straight away, you will no longer hang around that boy" 

wonwoo felt a stab in the heart, even his own mother who supported him earlier, is now agreeing with his father. he wanted to get out of this hellhole 

they soon left as wonwoo kept quiet. wonwoo was stressed, he didn't know what to do, he wanted to runaway, but where? 

wonwoo cried to sleep as he thought of how unfair his life was

mingyu threw his phone to the wall, not caring if he damaged it. meh he could just go and get another one as he was that rich 

he messed his hair in distress, feeling lost as well, not knowing whether wonwoo was okay. he knew how controlling mr jeon would get, and he couldn't even text wonwoo about that matter anymore

he got up and looked himself in the mirror, he still looked decent enough to go out, and so he did. he headed to his side of town, where all the bars are located at

it was a busy bar the night he went, everyone was dancing on each other and some even knocked out on the counters. mingyu went to one of the counters and took a seat, he kept drinking all his sorrow away until someone tapped on his shoulder

"hey, how come i've never seen you around? someone as hot as you can't go unnoticed" it was a girl, around mingyu's age, wearing revealing clothes, flaunting her chest as she spoke

"it's been some time since i last came" mingyu replied, turning back to his drink as his head started to spin

"why? don't you come here to have fun? do you not find any fun here?" she asked as she played with her hair

"i've met someone, and i decided to quit all my bad habits one by one for them, and i guess, it wasn't enough" mingyu smiled in pain, thinking he still wasn't enough, even though he had done his best

"oh, i see, so why don't we have our own fun tonight?" she pulled mingyu's jacket to face her, and when mingyu finally had a good look of her, she had wonwoo's eyes, the ones he fell in love with

"our own fun? where?" mingyu was drunk already, he was seeing double

"my place or yours, or we could even get a room nearby" she said as she pulled mingyu out of the seat

mingyu nodded, probably tricking his own mind into thinking that it was wonwoo himself that was bringing him somewhere 

as mingyu and the girl walked out of the club, there was a few camera flashes, but no one needed to know 

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