twenty seven

486 19 3

when wonwoo woke up in the morning, it was still dark outside. realizing he was still in mingyu's grasp, he blushed as it was his first time being cuddled

wonwoo slowly shifted to escape mingyu's arms to use the bathroom, head aching as he walked. when the headache had subsided, he went back into the room to hopefully get more sleep as it was the weekend, but something had caught his attention

it was mingyu's pc setup, it was clean and sleek. wonwoo's dream setup. his eyes widened in excitement as he ran his fingers over the keyboard, keys click clacking, causing mingyu to stir in his sleep

wonwoo realized what he was doing, so he stopped touching the setup, only to back up and look at it from afar before crawling back to bed with mingyu

"good morning sweetheart" mingyu whispered huskily as wonwoo laid down

"good morning" wonwoo greeted

"i see you have saw my pc" mingyu admitted

"yeah, it's really nice. i wanted a setup like that too, but dad would always say it's not gonna help with the business since all i would do is game" wonwoo admitted

"let's say, i get you one?" mingyu suggested

"no! i can't accept it, it's too much. plus, i don't have anything in return for you" wonwoo said shyly as he realized he hasn't given mingyu anything

"it's okay, i'm planning to get a new pc anyways"

wonwoo widened his eyes in shock, "mingyu, this setup is really new, why would you want a new one?"

"so i can give you this one"

"you don't have to"

"but i want to" mingyu said as he got up to clean himself up

"really, i don't want you to, i'll get myself one when i save up enough" wonwoo followed mingyu into the bathroom

"fine, but do tell me when you want to game, i'll let you come over anytime to use mine" mingyu held the both of wonwoo's shoulders

wonwoo nodded, "at least you don't have to waste money on me"

mingyu smiled and pecked wonwoo on the cheek after he was done brushing his teeth


"uhm" wonwoo started after mingyu had finished cooking breakfast for the both of them

mingyu hummed in response

"so what have you been doing" and mingyu knew very well what wonwoo meant by that

"uh" mingyu stopped chewing on his food and tried his best to come up with something, "i studied more,,,?" which came out more like a question

"mingyu, i know that's not what you did"

"fine" mingyu huffed, "i got back into games more than i should, and.." mingyu trailed off, thinking whether to tell wonwoo or not

"and?" wonwoo gestured mingyu to continue

"i may want to go professional in it" mingyu said softly

"aw, mingyu that's great to hear, why not? go for it" wonwoo pushed

"but that'll mean i would have less time for you, and i don't want us to drift apart because of that" mingyu excused, it was true though, he didn't want to over-focus on games to the point where wonwoo would feel neglected

"mingyu, if that makes you happy, i insist that you pursue it" wonwoo insists

"but you make me happy too" mingyu cheekily grinned

"be serious, i'm telling you to go, work harder, i'll try finding for teams recruiting new players, so you would be professional in no time" wonwoo encouraged

but mingyu had a feeling that it wouldn't go well. it wasn't that he doubted wonwoo, he doubted himself, that he wouldn't have enough time for wonwoo

hesitantly, he agreed, "fine, i'll go for it", standing up to do the dishes

"yay! you're going to be noticed mingyu! i'm so proud!" wonwoo exclaimed as threw his arms up and jumped in glee

"as long as you're happy" mingyu smiled, as long as wonwoo was happy,,,


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