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it was a week after both wonwoo and mingyu had gotten together. everything was going so well for the both of them

until mingyu had slowly adjusted back into his old ways again. drinking, smoking and stealing, well not from mr jeon anymore


mingyu had decided he needed to earn some money to get gifts wonwoo for their upcoming day of being together for a month, though they've just started a week ago. since mingyu used to rob mr jeon, he decided to go and ask if he would allow mingyu to make up for it

"and why should i?" mr jeon crossed his arms, confused as to why mingyu would have a change of heart

"i want to make it up to you, as an apology for the troubles i've caused, mr jeon" mingyu bowed, hoping mr jeon would buy it

"tch, fine" mr jeon gave in, after having mingyu follow him around the store for an hour

"thank you! i'll help you everyday for as long as you want" mingyu got up, thanking mr jeon over and over again

"you'll start tomorrow, now go away" 

"yes yes, of course" mingyu said, before sprinting to wonwoo's house


mingyu knocks on wonwoo's door, panting heavily as he had just arrived from sprinting over

"mingyu, what are you doing here?" wonwoo yawned as he rubbed his eyes, probably he had just awoken from his nap

"i missed you a lot" mingyu excused himself, and welcomed himself into wonwoo's home as he threw himself into the couch

"i missed you too, but why are you here? not saying you can't be here, but it's only 2pm" wonwoo said as he sat down

"2pm? early? wonwoo, you really are something else" mingyu laughed, wonwoo was too adorable for him 

"go change" mingyu ordered


"i'm bringing you on a last minute date, get changed" mingyu said as he sat up. wonwoo nodded and entered his room, with mingyu following behind him, trying to sneak in but was only caught by wonwoo and to be pushed away 

when wonwoo came out, he saw mingyu sitting by the pond, taking photos of the fish. "since when are you so into fish?" wonwoo asked as he sat next to mingyu

"ever since i met you" grinned mingyu

"look mingyu, they've gotten close ever since we got her" wonwoo pointed, blu and bou did got very close and stopped isolating themselves away from the others, instead they liked being together

"they're so cute" mingyu stated, looking at wonwoo who was busy taking pictures of the two fish, "just like you" mingyu added further

"stop it, i'm not cute at all" wonwoo denied, but mingyu wanted to prove otherwise. he pulled out his phone and showed wonwoo of all the pictures that he had secretly took in school

"look how cute you are" mingyu said as he continued to scroll through all the pictures of wonwoo

"that's creepy" wonwoo said, it was true though, having someone take pictures of you secretly in school. "but you love me, don't you?" mingyu pouted, putting his phone away

wonwoo nodded, before mingyu stood up and he helped wonwoo to get up as the flooring was slippery. mingyu then pulled wonwoo out of the house before walking to wherever he was going to take wonwoo for their date


they both wandered through the streets of seoul, stopping every now and then to buy snacks as wonwoo hadn't ate his breakfast yet. as they walked down the streets, hand in hand, a shop caught wonwoo's eye

it was a figurine store, which could sculpt anything for you, as long as you're willing to pay and have a reference for them. wonwoo stood in front of the shop, admiring all the artworks that are being displayed

"do you like them?" mingyu asked

"they're so pretty, the details on them are so realistic" wonwoo gasped 

mingyu chuckled at how cute wonwoo was being. they way his eyes gleamed with excitement as he was looking at the display, mingyu slowly slid into the shop, leaving wonwoo outside. he looked for the shopkeeper to enquire

"may i ask if you could possibly sculpt a figurine for me?" mingyu asked as he searched through his pictures of blu and bou

the shopkeeper nodded and asked for a reference picture, which mingyu gladly gave. thanking the shopkeeper before exiting to find wonwoo crying

"won! what happened?" mingyu asked as wonwoo sobbed softly into his chest

"i thought you left me" wonwoo calmed down, wiping his tears away with the ends of his sleeve

"oh wonwoo, i could never" mingyu comforted wonwoo but was cut off

"and a man"

"what man?"

"harassed me" wonwoo continued, voice slowly cracking as he was on the verge of crying again

and right after wonwoo was calmed down by mingyu, a man approached wonwoo from behind

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