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the next day, wonwoo skipped school, and no one knew why. not even mingyu did.

wonwoo wanted to spend the day alone, though he felt bad for doing so as this wouldn't give him his perfect attendance for school, but still he did it anyway

wonwoo dressed up casually for the chilly wet weather as it was pouring outside. he wore his favorite cardigan and brought his tote bag along as well, not forgetting to bring his umbrella with him to walk to the fish farm near his neighborhood

he had regretted his decision to wear long pants as they were slowly getting wet, the harder it rained. but then he didn't regret it as it was a awfully cold day for him

and when wonwoo had arrived at the farm, he greeted the owner as he stepped in. he placed his items onto a bench nearby before stepping onto the platform to help around the farm

on the other hand, mingyu had went to mr jeon's store to help him after school. he sat by the counter while mr jeon had went to assist some customers. mingyu was fidgeting with his phone, worried for wonwoo as he hasn't replied to any of mingyu's texts and calls, and he dared not to ask mr jeon about wonwoo

"boy, what are you doing? are you here to help out or to play with your phone here?" asked mr jeon as he crossed his arms, coming back to the counter as the customers were checking out some supplies

"sorry, i'm just worried for a friend, he hasn't replied me all day" mingyu excused as he kept his phone into his pocket

"worried for a friend? since when have you been so nice, son?" mr jeon asked as he shooed mingyu away from the seat, telling him to go check on the storeroom

mingyu was worried sick, he didn't want to worry over wonwoo this much, but then he did had the right to worry over wonwoo over every little thing as they were dating

and when the day had ended for mingyu, it was around 7pm, which meant he could leave the store to mr jeon and go visit wonwoo for a little while, to find out where has he been the entire day

he rushed out onto the damp pavements and to his motorcycle, before driving off to wonwoo's place. and when he had arrived, wonwoo was right outside his door, unlocking it


wonwoo turned around, shocked to see mingyu here at this late of a time, usually they would meet up after school to go home together, but since wonwoo didn't show up, today was different

"mingyu? it's late" wonwoo stated as he unlocked the door

"you didn't show up today, and i wondered where were you, what happened to you because you didn't pick up any of my calls" mingyu pouted

wonwoo hit mingyu on the top of his head slightly, "silly boy, i woke up late today, and decided to rather laze around at home, i'd go help out at the fish farm nearby"  wonwoo giggled

"you could've at least left a message for me" mingyu said as he pulled wonwoo into a hug, refusing to let go as he hasn't seen the smaller today

"sorry, i just didn't thought, you would care that much about me, i thought- " wonwoo was sorry, in a way that he felt that he wasn't taking the relationship seriously

"it's okay, i understand that this is your first relationship, and you don't know how it works. take your time, i don't mind waiting for you my whole life" mingyu pecked wonwoo on the forehead

"i just feel like, i'm at fault, since i cant do anything right, and i've been letting you down a lot by neglecting things that i should do when i'm in a relationship and i-" wonwoo trailed off while mingyu cut him off by kissing wonwoo passionately

mingyu shushed wonwoo, "i love you for you, not what you do, what you have, i love you for you" mingyu said before kissing wonwoo again, but only to be pushed away by wonwoo, leaving him confused

"you have to leave, my dad's coming" wonwoo rushed mingyu, they planned to keep their relationship a secret until they've graduated

mingyu understood and nodded, before putting on his coat and leaving, not forgetting to give wonwoo a good night's kiss

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