Chapter 26 Hidden Face

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Emma, alice, and mr hyde walk to the hidden lab. As they all walk alice hides her face with a black vail. When they get to the lab Dr jeykll greets emma and mr hyde but notices the woman beside mr hyde.

"Hyde may i ask where alice is, i have been searching all over and that woman i presume is someone you met?" He asks.

Mr hyde stood for a moment and emma socked her elbow into his side causing a sting in his side. "Well Doctor Jeykll you may remember this woman." Mr hyde starts.

Dr jeykll glanced at the woman. "Madam can i see your face that hides under the vail?" he asked her.

Alice nodded and slowly took off the vail and put it over her head revealing mary's face. Dr jeykll gasped in astonishment. Mary looked away in pure embarrassment.

"And jeykll that is not just mary you are looking at." Emma spoke out.

"Then who else would it be?" He thought for a moment then noticed alice was not around then he looked at mary.

"Yes henry you are looking at me." Alice confirmed then looked away.

Dr jeykll's amazment faded to anger. "Ali-boo who did this to you?!" He freaked grabbing onto her. She grabbed onto dr jeykll who is now in tears and she notices the flames in his eyes.

Alice thought for a moment on what to say as tears stream down her face. She looked at mr hyde with guilt and anger then, looked back. "It was mr hyde who did this." She whispered going into a soft sob.

Dr jeykll looked at mr hyde with death stare then mr hyde gave a paniced look on his face. Dr jeykll whispered to alice for a moment then looked at emma. Dr jeykll mouthed to emma to escort alice to a safe space in the lab and the women walked out.

"Mr edward hyde i wish to know why she looks and sometimes sounds exactly mary!" He scowled.

"Alright jeykll without your screaming i will admit i made a serum that turned her into mary during daylight, but by night she will become herself again." Mr hyde explained.

"Hyde are you mad?! I do not want her to suffer the same thing you and i did! we need to fix this now!" Dr jeykll demanded.

"We?" Mr hyde questioned.

"Yes we!" He confirmed.

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