Chapter 14 crocodile In Silk

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The group walks into the hut and slowly looks around. "This place seems horrible." Henry whispers.

"You are not wrong kid." Killian agrees.

The group slowly spreads out around the hut and searches for rumple. In the shadow a short stiff man hides in a dark corner; he gives a sudden loud laugh and turns into a puff of smoke. Everyone looks around and alice whimpers hiding in the nest.

All of a sudden, a large purple cloud of smoke filled the air changing the abandoned hut into a large stunning castle with dark decrepit walls. Everyone suddenly panicked backing up together hearing a sudden boom of laughter.

"Ah, Welcome visitors!" a voice boomed out.

Everyone turned to see a short old man wearing tattered silk clothing, his dark colored hair knotted and thick like wool, And his teeth were sharp and jagged.

Myron aimed alice's septor at the man and growled. "Who are you, beast?" myron scowled.

"You sir i know as Myron Bluejay Bunny, am i wrong?" the man cackled.

Myron gasped and lowered her septor. "You are rumple the sleezy magic dealer!" he hissed.

"Well yes sir i am and the rest of you seem alittle familiar." Rumple points out looking at the large group.

"Then how bout you guess who we are." Henry steps out.

"Well child, i shall guess you all out but i will only guess if i know what is in the wagon deal?" Rumple says reaching his hand out to henry.

The group glances at him then at henry. He looked at the group then henry looks up at rumple. "Alright it is a deal if you know who we all are then we will reveal it." Henry piped up shaking rumple's hand.

Rumple chuckles. "That man with the hook is captain hook, you are little myrtle, the brunette is belle and finally doctor henry jeykll and mr hyde." He smirked pointing at each one.

"You cheater! How did you know who we were?!" Hyde's voice growled.

"The red eye gave it away hyde besides i reconize it anywhere." Rumple chuckled.

"Well since you won rumple i shall fufill our half of the deal." Belle said gently taking the blanket off alice then two rabbit ears perk up; and her head slowly popping out staring into rumple's eyes.

Rumple stared at belle who gently rubbed alice's head whispering to her then rumple went to his knees to stare into alice's eyes. "Why hello little thing." He whispered to her.

Alice made small noises while sniffing his claw like hand and gave soft growl lowering back down.

"Rumple we want to ask a favor of you." Mr jeykll said in his normal voice.

"A favor? what kind of favor?" Rumple sneered.

"Myron told the rest of us that alice was cursed we are unsure of what kind of curse but we request you look her over." Belle demanded.

"Easy dollface i'll look her over but i want payment in return." Rumple requests.

"Fine i can pay whatever you want just figure out what is wrong with my twin sister!" Myron screeched.

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