Chamber of Secrets 2

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A/n: Ok here's one of my sister's drawings!She worked  a day straight for this. Don't say my sister's art is trash because that's my job! So here is our first Rumor, Draco fan art. Peep the spoiler in the picture.Let's start the story now. I know we all hate Fred for the Golden Boy Incident, but hopefully this helps restore your faith in Freddy.


I walked out of the fireplace to see Fred's silken face. "What?" I asked. "We lost Rumor," He responded hugging me. "Yeah, and?"I said. "Your not worried that your sister is lost in a world she knows almost nothing about?" Freddy held my shoulders as I stood in front of him in Flourish and Blotts. "What do you mean? She's right outside with Kiaria Malfoy," I pointed out. He turned around and saw Kiaria and Rumor walking out of a store in front of the bookstore we were in.

Kiaria and Rumor walked up stairs and ran into Draco. The siblings leaned on the railing looking down at the people in line for books. My sister was looking at a book about astrology. My sister was obsessed with stars.

I looked back at Fred to see him not there. He was holding his mom's books. I felt someone hug me from behind. I looked around to see Cedric Diggory. His face still looked the same from when we first met

~Luka's flashback~

I was walking down the hallway of the train looking for an empty seat. The only seat I saw was seat with three boys. I poked my head in and said ", Hi! Umm... Can I sit here? There's no where else to-" " Of course! Right here!" Shouted a boy with Carmel colored hair, and Soft blue eyes. (A/ N: I'm going of f Robs hella fine looks)He patted the seat next to him moving closer to the window. "Im Cedric, Cedric Diggory," he said holding his hand out for me to shake. I shook his hand softly saying ", Luka Anderson. Muggleborn." "Oh really? Tommy over there is a muggleborn, too!" Cedric pointed to a boy with jet black hair and brown eyes to go with them. "What house do you want to be in?" Cedric asked ", We're in Hufflepuff." "Well, you guys are my only friends.. so, Hufflepuff!"

~end of flashback ~

"Hi, Lu," Cedric said. "Hello!" I stated excitedly. "Would you like to go get some Butterbeer with me? You know as a, you know, as a date?" He asked me looking down at the ground while scratching his neck. "I would love to, let me just get my books," I responded. "Oh it's okay, I'll buy them for you later." He grabbed my hand and we walked to the Leaky Caldron.

~Fred~ A/n oooh wow new people

I walked away from Luka to help my mum hold her books. I looked back to see Cedric hugging Luka from behind. The place from Luka's unintentional kiss burned. I looked to the front of the room to see Harry walking up there. I looked back to see. CEDRIC AND LUKA HOLDING HANDS!!! They walked out of the store.  It reminded me of something I just couldn't place. Then I remembered.

~Fred flashback ~

"George, I see four Hufflepuffs in a year above and one in our year coming our way," I said looking back at my twin. We hid behind a pillar waiting for them to round the corner. George saw something come around the corner and pulled the string. "AHHHH!" I shrill scream sounded. I popped my head out from round the pillar. I saw the most beautiful girl covered in glitter and paint. I ran over to her ", Are you ok? I heard you scream. My brother was just pulling a prank. It was supposed to hit me. I'm very sorry" "Its okay," She stated standing up but slipping on the wet paint. I caught her just before she hit the ground. "Im Fred by the way," I said helping her to her feet. "Luka," She said brushing of some of the glitter.

The three guys from earlier came around the corner. "LUKA!" At that second George came rounding the pillar. " I'm very sorry I was trying to prank my twin but hit this young lady," George said slapping my back. I'm glad I have a twin like him. This sibling would lie for me. " It's okay Ced it's not that bad," Luka said. "Ced"  gave her a nod then walked away.  We walked down the hall as I explained to her the real reason she was covered in paint.

~end of flashback~

God I wish i told her I loved her that second I accidentally poured glitter on her. Now I know I'll never get her back till "Seedric" dies. God I hope he dies soon.

A/n: ok i was up till 1 am writing this so it's probably my worst chapter. I also noticed this is the first chapter without Rumors POV! The next chapter will be out soon

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