Prisoner of Azkaban 1

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A/N: a brand new year!This feels good! Enjoy the art! I always forget to tell my sister that Athena has darker skin. AHHn Also wrote this in a matter of 30 minutes. Remember I don't edit anything. :)


Every night I have the same nightmare over and over again.

—The dream—

A Woman with tan skin and a man with long black hair were talking in a kitchen. "Why? Why are you going after him? You might not come back! Your daughter is waiting here for you! In a month or two, your other daughter will be born! Why can't you let this go?," the woman asked hugging the man. "He betrayed them Nyx, And I caused it! If I hadn't given that title to him, I wouldn't have to chase him!" The man removed the woman's hands from around his waist. "Goodbye, I'll see you when I get back," The man said walking to the door.

The next hour, a crying Nyx walked over to a small basket. Inside was a baby. "I'm sorry,Athena. I can't raise both of you by myself," She picked up the basket and walked to the fireplace. "The Three Broomsticks!" She said as she caught flame.She walked out of building and left the basket by the door. She placed a small letter in the basket, walked back inside The Three Broomsticks, and used floo powder to go back to her home.

Nothing more then 5 minutes later, did Rubeus Hagrid find the child. "What's this?" He asked leaning over. "Ello there! How did you get here?" Hagrid asked. He then found the letter. He picked up the small basket in his big hands. Rubeus carried the basket inside, and sat down at a table. Madam Rosmeta walked up to Hagrid ", What a cute baby! When did you get this?" She asked. "Found her outside. Don't know where she came from. I think I might take her in," He said looking at the swaddled baby girl in the basket. "She looks cold! I'll go get her a new blanket, and a Butterbear for you Hagrid!" Madam Rosmerta said walking away.Hagrid took this quite time to read the letter.

Whoever finds this,

This is my baby girl Athena Andy Black. Do to current events I will not be able to take care of her. My husband, Sirius, is on trial for an Azkaban sentence . Do to the evidence against him, I believe he won't win. I know down in my heart he is innocent, but others may not. So, Please take care of her. I just won't be able to care for her. Especially with my other baby girl on the way. Please do not try to contact me. This was hard enough as it is.

Nyx Black

Rubeus put the letter back in the basket. This was the 3rd thing involving Sirius in the last 24 hours. He looked into the child's eyes to see that they were a deep emerald green. Nothing  like her fathers.

At 12 Grimmauld Place, Nyx lay on the couch clutching her stomach. "Its okay Eris, you'll see your sister again. You'll see her again somehow," she said over and over until she fell asleep.

~end of dream~

To Athena, these dreams seemed to last forever. Every month, every week, and every Wednesday. Even sense she looked into that stupid mirror. 

It was the day before September 1st. She decided to stay with her father at Hogwarts that year. "Pop-pop? Can you tell me anything about how you found me?" I asked. I wanted to know more. " Sorry 'Thena, kinda busy now. I'll t we lol you when I get the chance," Hagrid said walking up to o the castle. Shut in the dark, again. I guess the goddess of the night was trying to keep her there. Nyx... where are you know?

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