Chamber of Secrets 4

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Not art this week, sorry folks. But there is a surprise at the end!


I was walking through the halls with my trio. We were heading to DADA. When we stepped inside, the seating chart had us all separated! Ugh! I was sitting next to a Hufflepuff boy named Oliver Rivers. Rumor was next to a Gryffindor boy named Edward Willard. Athena was next to Neville, and blushing like a madman.

Professor Lockhart handed out a quiz. IT WAS ALL ABOUT HIM! "This isn't Algebra," whispered Oliver. "What's Algebra?" I asked. "Your a pure blood, aren't you?" He asked. "Yeah," I responded. Oliver started explaining what Algebra, Exponents, and geometry. We were so caught up in talking that we didn't fill out one question on the test.

The professor started blabbing about the most dangerous creature. He lifted up the chart to show some Cornish Pixies! He opened the cage, and they flew out in a rage. "DUCK!!" I shouted. I grabbed Oliver Rivers' hand, pulling him under the table. The kid behind us named Wayne Hopkins just said "where's the duck?"

Everything was a mess. Athena was trying to remove Neville from the chandelier. Rumor was being protected by Blaise and Edward. While me and Oliver were under the desk. Hiding. It was going to be an eventful year...


I was walking out to the courtyard, where I was suppose me meet Edward before his quidditch practice.  I bumped into a young boy with a camera. He took a picture of me, almost blinding me. "God I hope something really bad happens to that kid," I muttered to myself.

I walked out to see the Gryffindor and Slytherin quidditch teams facing off. "... To train our new seeker and keeper. Who might that be?" Oliver wood said. I sat down on a rock and started watching the quarrel. "Malfoy?" I heard that and looked up. I saw Draco emerge from the crowd. Dragging a miffed looking Kiaria behind him.

OH NO HE DIDN'T! DRACO DID NOT JUST CALL HERMIONE A MUDBLOOD! I got up and was about to throw hands when I felt Ki hold me back. I find Hermione very annoying, but calling someone a mudblood is wrong.

The dispute ended with Ron getting hexed and Edward dragging me away from the fray.

When I got back to my dorm my cat was waiting for me, and so were my new roommates. My cat was more in love with my roommate Cho, then she was with me. I just laid in my bed and slept for 2 days straight. No I'm just kidding! I had to get up early and help Kiaria train for her first quidditch match. Even though I knew nothing about the sport.

A/n: okay here's the surprise at the end of the story. I built these character boards for the 5 main characters right now.

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