Goblet of Fire 4

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A/n: WARNING ⚠️ this chapter includes mentions of suicidal thoughts and mentions of suicide. I would recommend skipping to the end for a summary on the chapter if you are sensitive to these topics.
— story brought to you by "a little bit crazy, In a love triangle, Golden child, wanted to drop kick Wayne" Luka the fragrance—
I found myself seeing her everywhere. Maybe someone just looked like her. November. I don't know if it was just her being gone or everything else. I mean I had just found out my mother was a witch, my sister wasn't really my sister, My other sister got murdered, and the endless taunts from Draco are not getting better. I don't know if it's the stress, or all the newly found trauma.  This caused me to not want to eat, not get out of bed, skip class, not want to talk to my friends, not see Blaise, Or watch the tournament. I couldn't tell me friends or my sister these things either. Kiaria and Athena have family issues.  Adria is a new friend I don't want to load all my problems onto. Luka has just lost her sister and realized she's someone else's daughter. I just don't want to be an inconvenience.

I was walking with my friends down to lunch. Looking down at the ground, tripping over my own feet. Why do I have to be so clumsy? "Are you paying attention?" Athena asked me. She snapped her fingers in front of my face. "No sorry," I responded. I found myself apologizing more and more. For minor inconveniences. Was I just an inconvenience? I feel like I was making everyone around me uncomfortable. Did they still like me?

"Oh we were just talking about how Athena is gonna have to swim in that horrid lake," Kiaria filled me in. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were walking our way. Blaise was also with them holding his book close to his chest.

"Its so exciting! Athena's strong build is going to get her first place!" Kiaria added. "Yeah exciting..." I mumbled. Draco, his friends, and Blaise had reached us now. "Why are you so pessimistic? Do you think she's not going to win?" Kiaria asked.

"We all know why Rumor is like this. Is because she's depressed as shit. You know if your really thinking about end it all. Why don't you just go and kill yourself already," Draco got into my face at the last part he said. That was the last straw. Why didn't I do that? I felt like it had to be done. There was no other way out of this pit I was in. I had thought of suicide before but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Now I'm being told I can.

I started to run away. Tears spilling from my eyes like rivers. "Where are you going?" Athena asked. "Astronomy Class!" I yelled back. When I rounded the corner and sprinted to the astronomy tower. Just get it over with, they won't care. No one will care. Maybe one person, but i was just his date. Not even my family will care if my organs are spread on the ground. One would of, but I would be joining her soon.

I reached the door, looked at the sky beyond the railing. I rushed to it. Climbed over the top, took one deep breath. Salty tears spilling into my mouth. I let one hand go, this was going to be hard to do. Everyone was at lunch, so some poor first year would come out from having a good meal. Just to see my disgusting looking body smashed into the cement.

I don't know why I didn't let go of my other hand sooner. I just felt like someone in the world could help me. But no one could. I finally let go. And leaned forward. But I didn't fall. I looked to my hand to see two dark skinned hands grab my arm. I looked up to see Blaise.

"Give me your other hand!" He shouted at me. "No," I shouted back. I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but it was to strong. "No? I Said GIVE ME YOUR OTHER HAND!" He was starting to get angry. "Just let me go! Why do you care about me so much?" I truly wanted to know. "Because I'm in love with you! God damn it!" He yelled. I gave him my other hand.

As he was about to pull me up, he released him grip on me a little. I wiggled out of his grasp. I started falling. He tried to grab me again. The ground was coming into view fast. Till I wasn't falling anymore. I looked up to see Kiaria slowly letting me to the ground.

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