The Chamber of Secrets 1

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         I fell out of bed wrapped in a blanket.I hit the floor with a thud. Mother came bursting threw my door yelling ",Baby! Are you ok?" "Yeah," I responded. I looked up at the calendar on my wall. It was August 30th! I was meeting Rumor to return her laundry.We we're going to go to Diagon Ally to get our books for the year. Father and I had not talked much over the break but have made up.

          As I was walking downstairs I heard father shout ", KIARIA! DRACO! GO GET THAT EMPTY NOTEBOOK ON MY DESK ON THE THIRD FLOOR! THEN, BRING IT DOWN TO ME!" I walked back up the five steps I walked down. It was so tiring, especially that early in the morning! Draco dragged himself out of his room and fallowed me to my dads Old Death Eater study. "Okay, just look around and find that notebook father never let us touch," I stated with a little sprinkle of salt. "Do we finally get to touch it now?" My brother questioned. "I really don't know," I said looking up from digging though a drawer. When I looked back down at the drawer I saw it.  A black leather bound notebook with silver hardware. I picked it up and looked closer I say the initials "T.R.M" Inscribed at the bottom. The inscription was fading and losing its texture do to age. "Found it!" I said holding the book above my head. I handed it to my brother and we started to walk out.

       As we were walking down then stairs, my brother dropped Tom Riddles notebook! Wow, father thinks I'm the screw up? My brother just literally dropped the dark lord's only chance of survival. Draco picked the book up quickly and finished walking down the stairs with me.

              As we were eating breakfast, I started thinking. Why am I retrieving this notebook for father? Was Voldemort trying to make a comeback this year? Was he going to try and kill Harry again? I mean Harry is kinda cute, but I DONT LIKE HIM! From the many times I snuck into my dads office I could tell he hated Harry. I was not supposed to be in fathers office unless he asked us to be. Around the study was his research about the chamber of secrets. I suspicions are that there is a Basilisk in the chamber. For only the slytherin heir can open, and the animal of Slythein is a snake.

Dad had collected things to sell in Nocturn Ally. So, we grabbed some floo powder and went there.


It was around midnight when Fred woke me up. We were going to get Harry from the Dursley's. We snuck out of the house with Fred,George, Ron,Athena, an me. It was a tiny blue car so I had to sit up front with the twins. That was so Harry could sit in the back.

Surry was very far away from the burrow. So when we got there it was around 3 in the morning already. Ron hooked a jack up to the bars to pull it off. When the bars broke off, it jolted the car just enough for my lips to run into Fred's cheek. He got supper red and flustered. Harry handed me the owl and I put it in Athena's lap. I like cats. Owls aren't my thing. The stoopid uncle grabbed Harry's ankle. I lent over the car window just hanging out by my knees and slapped the uncle's fat cheek. I hit it so hard he grabbed his cheek letting go of Harry. He then fell over the open window into the garden. "Dang!" Athena stated. "I grew up with two little sisters. It's eat or be eaten," I said tapping George's shoulder signaling him to go forward. Now another few ours back to the burrow.


I woke up to the bed next to me empty. "Shoot!" Did I over sleep? I was supposed to meet Kiaria today! I ran downstairs in my pajamas to see no one in the living room of kitchen. The only thing that came to my mind was that they were kidnapped. All of them. So, I ran into Mr. and Mrs. Weasleys room. "THEY'RE GONE! THE CHILDREN ARE GONE!" I tripped up the last step to their room. Molly came out screaming ", MY BABIES! MY BABIES ARE GONE!?!?" She checked every room stepping over my body on the stairs. She came back to me and picked me up. She led me down stairs, and got me a wet towel to help my head. Which I hit on the stairs when I fell.

I helped with Mrs. Weasley get ready in the morning for her husband was working late at the ministry. It was around 5 in the morning when me and Molly event back up stairs to get the missing children's rooms ready. I heard Molly's feet thudding down the stairs. I walked down after her. "NO NOTE! CAR GONE YOU COULD HAVE DIED! YOU COULD OF BEEN SEEN! YOUR GLAD I HAD RUMOR HERE TO  TELL ME OR ELSE THERE WOULD ME MISSING PERSONS POSTERS ALL ALONG THE MUGGLE AND WIZARDING COMMUNITIES!" I stood behind her wide eyed as she yelled at her children. Athena looked at me and shouted ", YOU SNITCH!" She then ran past the boys, my sister, and Molly to tackle me to the floor.

We were on the floor laughing as hard as we could until the household came to the fireplace. "Floo powder? What's that?" I asked turning to Luka. "You'll see," She responded. We went in one at a time till I went. I then slid on the floor of a dark wooded building. I looked up to see Kiaria's out stretched hand. "Speak clearly next time Ms.Mumbles, She said picking me up to my feet.

An/ So I dropped my phone down the stairwell of my apartment so it's been on the fritz and that's why I just started updating again. I will post all my sisters art in the next chapter.

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