Prisoner of Azkaban 4

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A/n: my timeline may be a little off. But I'm trying to fit as much as possible in a matter of 45 minutes.

~Remus~ (oh my god new people)

I was taking my weekend stroll. When I saw a girl sitting by a tree near the whomping willow. I slowly walked over to her. I then realized it was one of my best students. "Why hello there! What are you doing out here?" She girl kept reading her book ", Luka!" I said slowly shaking her shoulder. "Oh hello professor, I was just very caught up in this book," Luka stated showing me the cover of her book. "The Queen's Gambit? I haven't heard of that one," I helped the girl up ", Tell me about it while we walk back to the castle. It's getting late."

When we were almost to the great hall, I told Luka something very important.
"I knew your mother when she was in school"
"Really?" She asked looking at me. "Yes, we were in the same year. I-I well I"

~Remus flashback~
"Moony, stop staring at the girl!" Sirius whisper-yelled at me. "Yeah ask her out already," James said pulling Lily close to him. She pushed James away and flipped him off. Lily restarted her conversation with Marlene. "We are in out 5th year, we all need girlfriends. Personally I think Marlenes tits would make her my perfect girlfriend-" "FUCK OFF SIRIUS!!" Marlene interrupted. "Sirius, I don't think telling a girl her boobs look nice is the way to get a girlfriend," I said.
~flashback OvEEeEeeEEeRRRR~

"I admired her dearly. She was a Hufflepuff, Prefect, and read a lot. Then, she ran away to America before our 7th year. She looked exactly like you," I stated. "Well, enjoy your book. I should get going. Enjoy your day!"

I was looking up at the ceiling, looking at the glowing stars that night. "Hello" I turned around to see a guy my age. "Hi," I said. "Well, I'm Hercules Jones. And it's a Hogsmeade weekend, and I wanted to see if you would like to come with me?" He asked scratching his neck. I took a look at him. He had slim eyes, dark hair, a lot of freckles. "Sure, I mean yes. Yes I will go with you." I stated.

"And he has all these freckles in his nose," I was explaining to my trio and Blaise what my date this weekend looked like. "Well, I'm going with Wayne," Kiaria said taking a sip of pumpkin juice. I never really liked pumpkin juice. Blaise just sat quietly and looked at the waffles on his plate.


I went back to my dorm, slammed the door, threw myself onto my bed, and screamed into my pillow. I wanted to take her to Hogmeade this weekend. But I lost it to some stupid Ravenclaw quidditch player.

I watched as Rumor and Hercules walked hand-in-hand onto the Hogwarts Express. I was jealous beyond compare.

I reached a small shop in Hogsmeade and found the perfect gift for Rumor. But I realized that's what boyfriends were for. Not friends who were to slow to get to them first. I was burning inside, maybe a cold butter beer in early fall would be enough to cool me down.

I was walking around school after my date. I think it went pretty well. But then that thought came down. I heard Hercules talking to Harry. " yeah she's pretty and all but a total pushover. I mean is she really all that underrated. No." There was more but I couldn't hear anyone talk about me like that. I rushed up to my dorm and rushed up to Cho. She was sitting on her bed waxing her Comet 2-30 broom bristles. " when's the quidditch team try outs?" I asked.

"Okay, meet your new beater boys," Cho announced ", Rumor Anderson"

Not House LikeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora