Goblet of Fire 6

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Wayne came rushing up to me. "Ki!Ki! KI! KIIIIII!!!" He was shouting. He ran into me, knocking us both to the floor. He held out a bouquet of sunflowers. "I got you flowers for our walk," he said. He

Wayne quickly stood up and pulled me up, too. We started our walk around the castle. It was our little "date". He had a walk, and picnic by the lake planed. "Thank you for the flowers," I took the flowers from his hands. They smelt fresh and sweet.

"We just have to pick up the basket of food from my dorm, okay?" I asked kissing his nose. His face immediately got red. "Yeah," he said sweetly. "Your face is all red," I smiled at him. He then leaned over and kissed my forehead. I started to blush. "So is yours," he returned.

We started walking to my dorm. Getting many looks from the Slytherins passing by.

I've been told that "Wayne is to weird for you". Or " Why are you even dating him? Your way out of his league". I haven't even told my parents about him. I know they wouldn't like him.

You see Wayne is a Half-blood. Mother was a muggle, and father was also a half-blood. My mother would say it was okay, as long as I was happy. And that being a half-blood was okay as long as their was some magical blood. But father though. He would hit me with his cane, then kill Wayne, and then kick me out of the house.

We had finally reached my dorm. "I'll be back, I just need to grab the picnic basket," I said going into the common room. I walked inside. And say the basket by my vanity. I went to go pick it up.

Then I herd a voice. I though it was from outside. It was coming from my drawer. The mirror was talking again. I ignored it and walked back to the common room.

The mirror had been trying to get my attention the past few days. I though that if I ignored it, it would go away. Like my brother.

I met Wayne outside again and we walked to the lake. Once we reached the lake I set the basket on the ground and set up the picnic.

We had pasta( which I made myself in the kitchens,I could never force a house elf to work), chocolate cake, cheese and crackers, and butter beer. It was so good.
We laid on the blanket and talked.

"Cedric told me that, when he finishes the final task, he is going to teach me all he knows about magic," Wayne told me. "Thats so great, to have an older year teach you," I said back. And we laid there till the sun started to set. And the stars started to show. And curfew drew near.


I was reading The Daily Prophet when their was an article about my sister. It read.

"Young student, Athena Black, is taking the lead over their male competition.
Athena at the age of 14, they are already dominating their competitors. In speed, strength, and looks. The scars on their face give their complexion a vile edge. They has height on her other youngest competitor Harry Potter. Even though they are similar in many ways like house, age, traumatic pasts,and eyes of jade.  I would hate to have to face the two teamed up, maybe in the future?  We have a quote from Athena Themselves, ' I would like to thank my friend Kiaria, my parents, Neville Longbottom, and my commotion (for failing miserably).'
She has yet to start the thir-"

There was more I just couldn't read it. She didn't even thank me. It hurt. I was there for her every step of the way. Yet she doesn't thank me. Not even a little? I was going to get noticed for what I did for her, one way or another.  

A/n: yes I know it's short. And I ended on 666 words on purpose. For suspense. Bye my bitches, bros, and non binary hoes.

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