Prisoner of Azkaban 5

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"3 girls are out on the field today. Kiaria Malfoy, the Slytherin keeper. She is the first woman on the Slytherin team since 1968. Andromeda Black was that woman. Guess it runs in the family. Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw Seeker. Her amazing talent is what causes her to be a great match for the Slytherin seeker. Draco Malfoy. And last, Rumor Anderson. This tiny, Muggleborn, girl is proving the big beaters on the other team to be no competition," Lee Jordan announces as we play our game. It was Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw and also determined who would face Gryffindor for the Quidditch cup. 

I grip my bat seeing a bludger fly towards Cho. I fly over there( thanks to the broom Cho and Luna bought me). I smacked the bludger as hard as possible. It went flying, that was very hard to do. The bludgers iron core always made my arm hurt. I looked over and saw my boyfriend almost score a goal. Kiaria blocked it.He was a great chaser, though. I saw Cho and Draco dive for the Snitch. Crabbe hit a bludger towards Cho. I started flying over there, but Goyle grabbed my bat and held me in place. I pulled on my bat. Then, I realized the cost of the fight. I looked back to see Crabbe holding the other Beater. Crabbe had him 'round the neck. I let go of my bat, grabbed the front of my broom, and flew towards Cho. I was so close, I was about to reach her when the bludger hit Cho. She spun out and hit me. Cho ended up fine, but me I had fallen of my broom. Cho had grabbed my arm padding, keeping me from hitting the ground.

Slytherin had won. Draco took advantage of Cho holding me in the air, and caught the Snitch. When Cho got close enough to the ground, she let go of me. I hit the soil with a thud. Kiaria gracefully landed and came over to me. Blaise came running out of the stands and over to me. Wayne came out of the stands and hugged Kiaria tightly. Blaise tried to hug me, but my arm was so sore it hurt. "Oww," I said grabbing my left arm. "Wait is it okay?" Blaise asked ", Regular soreness or did it dislocate when Cho grabbed it?" "I think it might be the second one," I replied.

"You know if you laid off the Pumkin Pasties, Cho wouldn't have to catch so much weight" I Turned around to see Draco snarling at me with his friends. "Won't you shut it Malfoy," Blaise said pulling him behind me. "Why Blaise? I'm trying to have a conversation with Wayne!" Kiaria shouted from behind us. "Wrong Malfoy, I correct. "You know Blaise, how would your new dad feel about you protecting a Mudblood. And someone's girlfriend, my girlfriend," Hercules joined Malfoy. "Not when your a shitty boyfriend," Athena appeared behind me. "Oh, I hope Jennifer knows that her son is going against her Muggle protection law," Eris said standing next to her sister.

I was shocked. Eris never stood up to anyone. When me first met her, she was cowering from Draco. Athena helped her with her confidence. Eris is was a very confidant Hufflepuff now. Hercules and Draco ran for the castle when Blaise bluffed on pulling out his wand.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I was just upset about earlier," Hercules apologized. I was sitting in the Ravenclaw common room. Studying with Kiaria, Athena, Luka, Nia,Luna, and Eris. Cho was suppose to study with us, but she had to go wax her broom,again. "Ohh, it's okay," I said smiling up at him. He walked away.

"NOO!!" Luka, Athena, Niasnd Kiaria tackled me to the floor. "Never get back with a guy like that," Luka said. "Never," Nia added. "I mean how could you forgive him that fast?" Athena asked. "I-" I started to speak. "I don't want to hear it! Break up with his dumb arse! Kiaria shouted. "If he dose anything wrong one more time. I will break up with him, okay? I ask. "Good!" Eris said. Luna looked up from her Transfiguration book ", What was all the yelling about, again?"

A/n: I can't right quidditch games for my life. Also, I see a lot of controversy between what color characters mine are. One last thing, what ship is better? Kiaria and Wayne? Or Rumor and Blaise? And remember all my spelling errors are just me writing everything as fast as possible on my broken phone.

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