1:Sorcer's Stone (Part 1)

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      1991, England . "LUKA!LUKA!" I yelled ",My letter came!" I ran into her room and shoved the letter in her face.  My older sister Luka read the letter out loud. "I'm going to your boarding school !" I shouted. " Great ," she said sarcastically . 

      "Ok, Books, Cat , cauldron, wand, and uniform. Everything's here ," I said to my sister who was walking through the train station with me ", Where is platform 9 3/4 ?" " Ugh , this way . Just follow me and don't wander off , Ok? " she said as she gracefully made her way through the crowd, not hitting anyone with her trolley. I followed close behind, until we reached a wall. Luka ran through the wall. I watched my mouth open . Then I ran to the wall closing my eyes just in case I hit it . I made it threw the wall. I opened my eyes and looked up. Then, CRASH ! I hit someone walking in front of me. "Oh my, I'm so sorry," I said standing up. "It's not a big deal, I almost hit someone on my way in," said the mystery girl. We tipped our carts back over the sorted out our books. I got a really good look at her, her eyes were an icy blue, she had short blond hair , and a very crisp accent. " I'm Rumor by the way, Rumor Anderson," I said shaking her hand. " Kiaria, Kiaria Malfoy ," she said as we walked down to the train .

As we walked Kiaria and I talked about our family. She had one brother named Draco. As we stepped on to the train, I introduced Kiaria to my sister. Luka was 2 years older then me. She had light brown hair and  brown eyes. Which is kind of weird because I have blond hair and blue eyes. Our parents found out Luka was a witch, The bought us plane tickets and sent us off to London. We sat together on the train, when I girl with black curly hair, muscular arms and deep green eyes popped in our box seats and asked ", Have any of you seen a toad around here ?" I shook my head and responded ",No I haven't, and I don't think my friends have either." She sat down next to Luka who was sitting across from me. Kiaria stared her down for 5 seconds before saying ", So, who are you?" The new girl said ", Oh sorry, I'm Athena." She shook Kiaria's hand. Athena fell
Back in her seat as the train came to a stop.  Kiaria grabbed me by the arm and said ", I don't trust that one." I replied with ", Who, Athena?" " No, your sister," she whispered to me. "I haven't trusted her my whole life ," I told Kiaria.

       We stepped into a boat, I sat between Athena and Kiaria. When the boat started moving, I looked up at the stars. I always consider the stars as people. So when I saw the Gemini constellation I tapped Kiaria on the shoulder and asked "What's your Birthday?" "I don't know ," She said. "What?!" I whispered." I was found in my brothers crib a few weeks after he was born ," She told me ", They didn't know where I came from. So my mother took me in. The only reason I am here is to make sure my brother stays out of trouble." "Look at the castle," Athena said. ", Isn't it beautiful ?" I was so busy with Kiaria I didn't notice the giant castle in front of me.

          As we approached the great hall, I was pushed over by a kid with black hair, glasses, and a lightning scar. "Watch where your going," I tell him. Kiaria stepped in front of me saying ", Did you here what she said ?" He turned around and she shut up with her mouth open. He kept walking. "Kiaria who was that," I asked her. "Harry Potter," Athena said. "
Kiaria smacked her head and said ",There goes my brother. He's probably going to go make a fool of him self." He did make a fool of himself .  Then we heard someone say ", TREVER!" Then Athena shouted ",Hay, That kid found this toad!" Which Caused me and Kiaria to laugh. Kiaria's brother Draco was staring at us.

     As we walked into the great hall, mister stumble through a door made an announcement. Then we heard the lady at the front said ", Kiaria Malfoy!" Then the talking hat sat on her head For a four minutes then shouted ", Slytherin!" I herd someone next to me murmur ", No wonder she's in that house, her family is the worst." "Athena Hagrid," the old woman said. The hat sat on Athena's head for .4 seconds before shouting ",Gryffindor!" Then my name was called. As I walked up to the sorting hat, I saw my sister at the Hufflepuff table. I was the second to last one. I sat, that hat was placed on my head. "If you don't put me in a house with my friends, I will snatch you and throw you in the fireplace," I said quietly. "RAVENCLAW!" The dusty, musty, crusty, hat that is now dead to me shouted. Miss.McGonagall was the old witches name who snatched that hat from my head. That hat was safe, For now.


  I saw that Rumor looked miffed as she walked and sat at the ravenclaw table and sat down. My brother was staring at her weirdly. I nudged him in the side. "Oww," he said. "Why are you staring at my friend," I asked him. He didn't answer. I SHIP! It's not a ship till I say it is. I will work to try to get these two together in the future. A girl with a snub nose and short black hair. Sat next to Draco almost climbing on to of him. Eww, Pansy (pug face ) Parkinson. I hate her. I hate her . Did I say that already? No, I didn't. I hate her. I hope she didn't interfere with my ship. If so she is dead. Rumor and Draco are perfect.

Authors note / this is my first chapter. Sorry if it was kinda boring. I'm a 22 year old girl going to collage for writing. Still writing Harry Potter fan fic . HELP ME. I try to limit the story to 1000 words.  At the end of every story you can ask some of the characters questions.  Ok great thx for reading. Kiaria is shipper.

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