Prisoner of Azkaban 2

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I woke up and looked around my dorm. The Slytherins dorms were dungeon cells, that were converted to dorms. So everyone had there own,private, dorm room.

I looked down at mirror on my desk. Mother gave it to me. She said it was a "Black family heirloom".  I knew mother was apart of The Noble House of Black, but I never expected her to be apart of it after she married. I new something is up with that mirror. I just can't figure it out.

"Im so excited today is our first day with Professor Lupin!" Rumor said sitting next me and Athena. All the other Gryffindors have me stares for sitting at their table. "I think Rumors got a crush on the Professor," I said stealing a piece of bacon of Athena's plate. "Yeah, do you think those scars on his face are cuuuuuutttteee?" Athena said stealing back her bacon. "You had a crush on the last DADA professor, Athena. SO SHHH! Rumor said pushing her glasses back up her nose.

We were walking to Defense Against the Dark Arts, when Dumbledore approached us. He snatched the glasses off of Rumor's face. "Sorry child, Harry is the only one that can have glasses in this school," he said shoving them into his coat pocket. "Oh okay," Rumor said walking by. Athena reached her hand into Dumbledore's coat and pulled out the glasses. We caught up to Rumor and handed them back to her.


I was sitting next to Blaise, in DADA. When class ended, he ran out as fast as possible. You know, being stupid me, I decided to run after him. He ran into a closet. I pulled open the door to see him, crying? "Are you okay?" I asked closing the door behind me. "No," he said Turing around. "If you want we can go back to my common room and talk about it? If you feel like it,"I said opening the door again. I really shouldn't have closed the door in the first place. "Sure," Blaise said following be out of the closet.

When we got to the common room, Blaise looked at the ceiling in awe. "You Ravenclaws painted the nights sky up there?" He asked. "Yeah, at night when it gets dark the stars are enchanted to glow," I said taking him up to my dorm. The boys and girls dorms were right across from each other. So, he could get up the stairs without the turning into slides.

I laid him down on my bed and my cat jumped up there with him, too. Iris(my cat) curled up in his lap. Blaise moved so that his back was against the head board. "My cat loves everyone more then me," I said ", loves my roommates more, loves Kiaria and Athena more, loves my sisters more, and loves you more."

Just then my roommates came rushing in. "Hello Cho and Luna. What are you doing up here?" I asked. "Oh hello Rumor, Cho just forgot her astronomy book and we caught each other in the hall.What are you doing up here with mister Blaise?" Asked Luna. "Oh I'm not feeling to well, but I'm not sick enough to go to the hospital wing. Rums is just taking care of me," Blaise said as my cat flipped on it back. Snuggling further into his lap. "I'll tell Kiaria to cover for you in your classes, okay?" Cho said walking out hand in hand with Luna.

"So what's happening?" I asked removing my cat from Blaise's lap. Iris bit me and walked back over to Blaise. "My mother just re-married, Blaise stared at my cat. "Well that's not to bad," I said. "For the third time," Blaise stared blankly. "Oh shit," I cursed ", Oh it's okay, just vent to me if you need to talk about it." Blaise laid back down on my bed ", Okay!"

When I returned to my dorm at the end of the day, I saw Blaise, Rumor, and her cat all cuddled on her bed. It was very cute.

When I heard Rumor was helping Blaise feel better, I immediately ran to my room. I pulled out my book of ships, and moved to the Rumor page. I moved the Rumor x Blaise ship to the top, and moved the Rumor x Draco ship to second place. Only one ship can sail.

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