Prisoner of Azkaban 3

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A/N: I know I said Adria would be introduced in this chapter, but why not add some more Eris. While writing tho I just told myself "Finish the chapter. Then you can go to sleep". So hope you like my un-edited, chapter!

I was heading to Divination, when I heard some yelling. In a deserted hallway, Draco Malfoy was tormenting a poor second-year girl! "Hay! 3rd best Malfoy. Leave the girl alone!" I shouted walking up to them. "Who are you calling 3rd best? Clearly, I am Superior,"Draco said turning to me. "Actually, It goes me, Mum, you,and then dad," Kiaria stated appearing behind me. "Crabbe, Goyle, and I were just showing the little orphan around," Draco was starting to get annoyed with us. "Oh yeah, and how is that?" I asked. "Don't you know?" Draco added ", This is the escaped convicts daughter. Eris Black." Eris? My sister was here the whole time, and I didn't know it! "Yeah, like a criminal would escape Azkaban for his little girl," Kiaria said. "You never know. Father would do it for us." Kiaria crossed her arms and spoke ",No. Father would do it for you. Why don't you and your 'friends' run to your next class!" Draco looked at his sister and back. "You can't beat me-". "And yet, I don't see the person who we couldn't. Oh that's right he is with me," Rumor then walked up next to me and Kiaria. Blaise soon followed behind her. "Leave," I said walking forward ", or I'll have to recreate out first encounter. Remember that?"

Draco and his friends ran away as fast as possible. "Hello, I'm Athena. That's Kiaria,Rumor, and Blaise." I said pointing out everyone. "Why did Malfoy call you an orphan. You are clearly not 'cause your dad is alive" Eris looked me in the eye ", My mother, Nyx, worked 24/7 to get me here. My father, Sirius, wasn't around. I was really raising myself." Eris started to cry. It must have been a sensitive topic. "My mother, would go out and look for my sister. She said 'I regret leaving her, but I know I couldn't have taken care of you both'. Right to my face. So with all her work, looking for my sister, and trying to prove my dads innocence. She wasn't home a lot," Eris said tears flowing down her cheeks. "Hay Rums, why don't you give her one of your good hugs," Blaise said lightly pushing Rumor forward. Rumor ran to Eris wrapping her in her arms.

"You guys go to class, I'll stay here with Eris," Rumor said as Eris cried into her shoulder. "I'll stay with you!" Blaise stated and walked up to Rumor and Eris. "Lets take her to that pretty garden spot you showed me, when I wasn't okay," Blaise said grabbing my little sisters hand. " You know what, Go! I'll stay, you guys already missed a day last week!" I agreed with myself pulling my sister along. "Nothing exciting will happen in Divination anyways!" I told them.

"HARRY POTTER IS GOING TO DIE THIS YEAR!!" Kids were saying left and right. "Dang it," I said sending Eris to her next class. Something exciting did happen in Divination!

The class after Divination was Care of Magical Creatures. This class was thought by Athena's adopted father. A Hippogriff? On our first lesson? It was chaos. Neville got attacked by a book. That made Athena freak out and rush to his side. Kiaria laughed at her brother getting his ass best by a bird. Me and Blaise talked about how we were going to go study in the library after school. While, Wayne watched Kiaria dearly.

Kiaria, Athena, and I were walking to our last class of the day. When we bumped into Ms. McGonagall! "Sorry, we weren't looking where we were going," Kiaria said politely. " You know, you three remind me of a very similar group of past students. A group of boys, all Gryffindor, and somehow always got in and out of trouble," The professor said politely. "Really? I asked. "Yes, let's just hope Kiaria isn't a werewolf, Athena doesn't die, and Rumor doesn't murder 12 people and go to Azkaban," Ms. McGonalgall then walked away swiftly.

I was walking back to my dorm. I looked inside to see my amazing roommates starring at me. "So how was your date with Seeddick?" Heather asked. She never really liked Cedric. "Wait, I thought she was going out with Fred!" Nia said jumping off her bunk bed. " I'm dating Cedric, and Fred didn't even like me. Me and Fred are just friends,"  I stated climbing into my top bunk. "Ginger are you bloody serious?" Cleo asked throwing a book at me. "Your a ginger!" I shouted back. Cleo scoffed ", I like to reference myself as a redhead. There's a difference." "There's a difference?" Heather asked rolling her box-braids over in her hands. Her dark complexion reflected the candlelight.  "Yes!" Cleo shouted at us!

The next day I ran into a small child in the Hufflepuff common room. "Mam, I need your help! I love this girl but don't know how to show her my appreciation," He said plopping down on the couch. "Well, give her a flower to express your love," I stated picking a red rose from a vase. I handed it to him ",Use this!" He happily took the flower and waltzed away. "Thank you!" He shouted as he ran out of the common room. "It took all your strength not to drop kick that child. Didn't it?" Nia asked standing next to me. "Yes," I responded.

At breakfast I looked behind me to see my sister and her friends. Kiaria walked up to the table and showed a red rose to her friend. "Look! Millicent said someone dropped it off this morning!" Kiaria said taking a seat next to Athena. That Hufflepuff boy really did it. He showed his appreciation!

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