Betty AND Joseph :SECRET

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Just wanna appreciate those of you that vote and comment. You guys make my day and give me the encouragement to keep writing and updating. Thank you so much 😊😊😊


GWL is currently in an abandoned class in the old school building just hanging out waiting for the photographer of the group, COMFORT to show up so they can head to the music room together.(she was not in Prosper and TG just simply because I didn't remember her. She's not very close)

The room is just generally quiet. Betty, Amanda and Prosper are writing a song, Success is dancing with Aliyah, Mary's going through social media and Precious is just eating as always. She really loves food but still has a killer shape (no really how does she do it)

Amanda breaks the silence

Mae looks up from her Device"so..."

Prosper joins in"so..."

Betty snaps"shut up with the so-s"

"We won't shut up" Mary argues

"Yeah!" Prosper backs her up
Which she in return receives a glare from Betty

"Tell us about.."Success clears her throat oh so not subtly implying a hidden meaning.

"Sorry who" Betty feigns ignorance

"Him" Success replies

"Is it Joseph or king(a person's name)" Aliyah asks

"Or is it Jacob"Precious finally takes a break from her chicken wings

"Jacob was never in the picture" Amanda states

"I thought.." Success tries to talk but Mary interrupts
"Ssh That's enough, just try to keep up"

"The truth is ..." Betty continues

"Say it "Prosper gets impatient

"Calm down, I like none"

"Lier! lies!" Amanda shouts and gets questioning looks for the teenagers around her
"Oh sorry but it felt like the right moment to..."
"Sure it was" Lili rolls her eyes

"Betty you have to choose either of the two" Success insists

"Should you be talking, Success?" Amanda questions

"Meaning" Success takes off her face cap

"Some one with a failure story shouldn't advice on success stories." Amanda does a fake pout "Its sadder cause you are Success"(Success has her own story of her failed love life coming soon)

Success grabs Amanda's wrist "oh the nerve"

"Get your hand off my wrist ,sister" Amanda gives her a threatening stare

"You can still call me sister while behaving this way"
(If you are wondering what the big deal is, Success is older than Amanda by 3 years and she takes respect very seriously)

Amanda yanks her hand off with a scorn
"You're so rude" Success states

"I was not being rude just stating the fact"

"Um let's just ignore the awkward tension in in the air"Precious flings her disposable plate out the window.

"You're gonna get in trouble for that" Aliyah informs her

"Not if they don't see me" just then Comport walks in "look let's head out. Comfort's here"

They all grab their stuff and walk to the music room.

Golden Girls: A Nigerian Highschool Romance. ✓Where stories live. Discover now