Chapter 12 - gals day out on the town

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You woke up, grumbling from your swollen neck, you remembered what happended last night and thanks to that you had a throbbing neck and just a day before the movie awards, how lucky are you eh?

You put your slippers on and walked over to your wardrobe, you wanted to see the dress you always wore for special occasions was still good. You open the wardrobe and shuffle the rack of clothes to that dress to find... moths had gotten to it first... you were shocked and upset, "bloody moths! That was my only good dress!" You hiss and pull out whats left of your dress and shove it into the bin.

You stomped down to the kitchen and see Hat kid already dressed and Cooking cat wearing a new set of clothing different from her causal chefs outfit, Cooking cat looked at you and tilted her head, a little grin on her fluffy face "what's gotten you grumpy (Y/N)?" She asked, you grumble "my best dress was eaten by moths, now I have nothing to wear for the movie awards.." Cooking cat tapped her foot on the ground pondering until snapping her paws together, "I think I can help you with that" Cooking cat brushes herself off and comtinued "you and I never got the time to have girl time right?" She asked, you nod "well what if we have a day to ourselves while looking for the perfect dress for you?, I don't see why we shouldn't have fun while searching" you thought it was good idea and agree on her idea.

Hat kid coughed to catch your attention "I won't be joining you two since I'm doing some parkour at Alpine Skyline with Bow kid and Mu and I have the right badges so nothing bad goes wrong"  Hat kid hugged you and Cooking cat and said goodbye, teleporting to Alpine Skyline. Cooking cat told you to get dressed and she'd make up some breakfast for ythe two of you, you agreed and headed back to your room and change from your sleepwear. You head to the kitchen and find Cooking cat who had finished some waffles, "don't just stand there, geah a bite" she said and you sat down next to her to enjoy some sweet waffles.

After eating you asked Cooking cat where you should teleport the two of you for this time out with each other, "we're heading to econa variety, a marketplace with lots of shops filled with goodies!" She answers you, you type in the location and teleport you and Cooking cat together
You blink from the sun shining bright, looking around you teleported outside of a mall, Cooking cat clapped her paws together "we're here! We'll have a little girl time and I'll take you to one of the best clothing shops I know" Cooking cat grinned at you and led you towards a road crossing. You and Cooking cat patiently waited until the traffic lights went red and you could walk, the second you stepped forward you were pulled back, before you could react a speeding car sped right past your face and you were grabbed by Cooking cat.

The speeding car dissapeared on the roadway and you were left in complete shock, Cooking cat tugged your sleeve and asked with horror in her eyes "are you alright (Y/N)?! That car passed through a red light amd and didn't stop!" You were about to answer when a familiar voice squaked " WATCH WHERE YOUR DRIVING MOTHER PECKER! Goodness the car related incidents here are getting worse.." you look and see Dj Grooves in a cream turtleneck, some gray denim pants and his trademark red jacket as well as having his afro tied up and braided.

"Dj Grooves?" You asked, Grooves looked at you and sighed with a flipper over his chest, "oh (Y/N), I apologise for me pulling you back hard" he apologized but you just waved your hands and shook your head. "No no! If you didn't pull me back then I would've been on the road a few meters away with blood spilling out from my body" Cooking cat glared at you in disgust from your comment amd grabbed your hand, "it was nice seeing you Grooves but (Y/N) and I have some gal time before looking for a new dress for (Y/N)" Dj Grooves eyes lit up with curiosity "I guess your heading to le grande suit  and I right" Cooking cat nodded "well I might bump into you there" with that Grooves walked away amd you and Cooking cat explored the marketplace...

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