Chapter 8 - performing ain't easy

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You woke up, quite early since your clock read 5:00 am. Since you were up early you decided to check up on Okamun and wherever they were, to your suprise Okamun was curled up on your coatrack. "You awake Okamun?" You ask as you poked the masked ghost, all you got from the dweller was a squeak and a chirp and Okamun layed their mask on the top of your forhead. You chuckle at their action and headed off to your kitchen to make some (F/J) toast.

As you entered your kitchen you noticed Cooking cat investigating your stove, murmuring to herself. "Cooking cat?" You ask, the chef hat wearing feline jumped from hearing your voice and giving a look like she was caught. "Pardon me for intruding at a time like this (Y/N), but I wanted to see if your stove was sophisticated" Cooking cat apologized, you chuckle at her apology and walk over to her "If you wanted to cook something on it, just ask me alright?" Cooking cat sheepishly smiles at your answer, you saw through her that she wanted to cook on your stove and didn't want to disturb you.

You turn on the stove and explain that your stove was very similar to an average stove, Cooking cat laughed and thanked you for telling her and you went on your way when Cooking cat said "I hate to be a bother but coud you bring your cousin here? I normally cook for her and since I heard she was sleeping in and became late yesterday, I don't think she'd wanna be late today" You nod and head to Hat kid's ship and to her bedroom.

this time you had a plan to get her up, drag her out of bed and if she declines, spray her with water until she gives in, However she was up in her regular outfit and just playing corgi quest 7 while waiting "Cooking cat says to come get breakfast" you whispers in the doorway, spooking Hat kid, "Told her you wouldn't mind". The two of you headed back to your ship and had a couple freshly made waffles, you got changed into a long, cream colored sweater, some black demin and a grey coat, to you it felt like a relaxing day. You quickly brushed through your (H/L), (H/C) and with your cousin by your side, teleported to Dead bird studios.

Thing's were a little busier than yesterday but you shrugged it off, you wave goodbye to your cousin and parted ways into other director's part of the studio. The first thing you find when entering into the Conductor's side of the studio was an express owl, running back anf forward with a lot of props. "Are you alright? You look like you need some help" you ask, the owl replies with "I appreciate the help but the Conductor want's you on set for some reason". You walk past other express owls scurrying around until you found the "owl" you were looking for, the Conductor turns around to see you walking towards him. "Glad yer back lassie, and on time too" the owl boasts, you give him  a smirk and say "well from what my cousin has said about you, I never wanna be on your bad side"

While the two of you were talking the Conductor grabbed a script nearby and handed it to you "remember when I asked for an impression of the bartender?" You nod and the idea from last night flowed back into your thoughts, "to be fair, I had no idea for who play the part. But when ye made that impression last night ah knew ye would be best to play the part" the Conductor explained, readjusting his purple tie. You smugly grin at him and reply with "I had a feeling this was the reason for last night" and look through the script, your lines were well written and even things you said yesterday were added in. The Conductor told you to get dressed into your outfit and that you had 10 minutes to rehearse your lines until it was time to film, an express owl was called to show you were to change and you followed the express owl, leaving the Conductor alone to scream at the slightest mistakes his crew makes.

"Wow, this looks amazing!" "Well, the Express owls had to hurry on designing the outfits" before you was a mannequin wearing the outfit you'd wear for a couple scenes until switching, blood red for the lower part and a mix of brown and black for the top with red velvet necklace to finish the costume off.

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