Chapter 1 - New planet new ideas

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It has been 12 hours since you departed in your ship to explore the galaxy once more, you had recently been on a planet covered in clovers and luck. making friends, sharing memories and having a good time before you had to leave. Lots of your friends would ask before you dissapeared if you were heading home to see your home planet family, ... all you'd do is give them a smile and say "if I could I wouldn't be here and spending every second of my life with them." Let's just say your home planet was a touchy subject due to an incident that took years to be officially illegal, sometimes you wished it was illegal before hand..

Your ship was your home, it was large, many rooms with many things to do in them, heck your ship's been your home since you were 6 years old. Despite the eerie silence you enjoyed it, this ship was given to you by all your relatives from your planet, your Grandma had hinted you wanted to explore the galaxy and further beyond like most of your family had so they all pitched in to buy your ship for your 6th birthday and may I say it was the best birthday you ever had because your own relatives would teach how to use it when you were ready to control it. Sadly they weren't able to do and you had to learn how to by manuals and lucky enough your ship had auto pilot so you had plenty of time to learn...a little to much in your opinion.

But what happened to your planet and your family? Well, there was a type of gamble that decided the fate of planets. The only people who participate were rulers of planets and the worst of this was if they lost, the planet they ruled would be destroyed, all the life on it wiped out and this couldn't be stopped no matter what. Eventually the 'Planet protection law' had been passed which made this gamble illegal and anyone who was involved would rot in jail until their death, your brows furrowed from the memories of that day, the prince of your planet arrested and sent to prison for life all because he gamble a little too much. Twas a shame too, the only heir to his throne and was 19 when imprisoned, now he'll spend the rest of his life rotting away.

You did have some family you could talk to from your father's side but they did not want anything with you even though weren't even a teen yet they didn't care about you and just wanted you gone... well not all of them. You had one relative who enjoyed your company as you enjoyed theirs, your youngest 10 year old cousin named Hattie, you met her when she was 2 and you were 13 and from there she wanted to be like you and see the wonders of the stars. But her parents had countless times made lies and rumors about you to her and luckily she never believed them, you remember the one time she told you her parents said you sucked the souls of children her age and remained youthful, how dumb are her parents to think a 6 year old would believe that crap when she reads books for older ages?

Eventually Hat kid turned 10 and was given a ship to pilot herself along with a large purple top hat you had sent for her on her birthday leaving in her card, "now you can be free nutcase!" And so she did, escaping her own family and following your steps while doing her own thing. Months earlier you'd both send letters to each other telling how you were and what you had been up to but a couple weeks had passed since her last letter, you brushed it off thinking she forgot to write and was enjoying herself like she usually did. You watched the stars zoom past you until you came across a small planet covered in different zones and countries, "another planet another adventure," you chuckled pulling your ship to a halt and got up to admire the planet wondering who or what resided in it when your ship's speaker started to blare,


Feathered Feelings (Conductor x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang