Chapter 4 - Subcon forest wonders

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the first thing after being teleported you feel was a freezing cold atmosphere and hearing

"Great your back.."

You quickly turn around to where the voice came from to find a long, dark purple noodle with yellow holes and a Jack-o-lantern face reading a book that said on the cover 'how to kill children', you immediately got chills, tensing up as the purple noodle stared at you "Kiddo did you bring me a new contractor for all you've done?" The purple noodle asked your cousin as it lifted you up with it's spaghetti arms "that's actually my cousin Snatcher, not a contractor" Hat kid spoke making the Snatcher guy's expression into an annoyed one.

"So not only this person isn't a new contractor but they are related to YOU" Snatcher growled dropping you to the ground hard and settling back on his chair with his book in hand, Hat kid helped you sit up straight from the fall and whined "Snatcher (Y/N) is fragile! She isn't like a dweller" Snatcher groaned and got up from his chair to blankly look at you and your cousin "(Y/N) this is Snatcher, my bff and he rules Subcon forest!" She boasts out with glee and tugs both your and Snatchers hands so you two coul greet each other in shaking hands

"(Y/N)" you spoke, keeping your eyes on the figure "Snatcher, and how the hell are you shaking my hand?" You realize that Snatcher was a ghost as saw through his hand a tiny bit "now that you two know each other I'm taking (Y/N) on a tour of the planet and subcon is the last location for the night so I hope you don't mind bff" Hat kid explains making Snatcher groan loudly "Great..just don't bother my minions or the dwellers and don't go the manor, somehow the ice is getting further into my domain" you let your eyes wander around Snatchers home, catching your eyes on a couple of scrolls hidden behind snatchers chair

" like making contracts?" You ask Snatcher, making him look up with a bit of interest "well I get a trapped soul and make them sign a contract, then I take their soul until they finish the task on the contract but, most of the time I don't give the soul back.." Snatcher smirks at you but you give him a stern, calm face "What kind of tasks?" You ask to which makes Snatcher grin a bit "Tempting is it? Well the tasks are normally easy, like delivering mail to my minions or unplugging the well but some like going to the manor are difficult" Snatcher explains with you giving him a confident grin

"I'll sign one of your contracts" Snatcher grins wide and looking through his contracts to find one for you "unless my cousin keeps my soul until I finish the contract" Snatcher stops and tirns to you with an angry expression on his face

"What?! That's not how signing contracts work around here! I take your soul until you finish the task" "but you said yourself most of the time you don't give the soul back, meaning you could double-cross me and keep my soul. So it's either give Hat kid my soul or no contracts signed" you smirk at your words, Snatcher grumbled before fixing his contract with the bottom text saying 'during the task, Hatkid will keep your soul until you've done the task"

you sign the contract and look at your task waving goodbye to Snatcher and Hat kid following behind. You were puzzled at what the task said "kill the fire spirits? What's a fire spirit" you question, "they look like foxes but they want to die, the only way to get rid of them is by burning paintings in the bonfire they're dancing next to" Hat kid explains with you looking up to see your objective as well as some hooded figures and masked ghosts? One of the hooded figures turn to your direction and jolt up a bit "there you are newbie, just find the paintings and burn them to get rid of the fire spirits" the hooded figure spoke out before all the hooded figures and masked ghosts ran off.

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