Chapter 7 - first a helper, now an actor?

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You rose from your bed, yawning to turn your phone's alarm off. You had set an alarm for 7:30 am to be on time arriving to dead bird studios, you quickly got dressed into your average clothing, fixed your (H/C) hair up and headed to your kitchen to make bacon and eggs.

As you finished serving two sets of bacon and eggs you walked into Hat kid's ship to get her since the Conductor wanted both of you to be there on time. You turned the lights on in your cousin's bedroom, hearing a groan and some bedsheets pull up.

"Rise and shine, I made bacon and eggs" you exclaimed pulling Hat kid's bedsheets off of her, Hat kid growled "10 more minutes (Y/N).." you huffed and yanked her pillow from under her head "Don't tell me you forgot, we need to be at dead bird studios in 10 minutes" Hat kid blankly looked at you after you spoke "you know?" "The Conductor messaged me about it when I left my phone at Subcon forest" you explained and Hat kid just grabbed her pillow, her bed sheets and got comfy for more snoozing "whatever leave me behind, I wanna sleep in more" you shrug and walked out of her room saying "ok then, don't blame me if you get in trouble"

You greeted Cooking cat since she was up and started up your teleportation device when

"Are you going to dead bird studios too? The boss told us about it" you look to your right to see the express owl band standing next you, "we hate to be a bother but could we come with you? Since your cousin is sleeping and we can't control a teleportation device" you smile calmly at the band and reply with "sure! Better to be with company while your teleport" with that you fired up your teleportation device and you and the band arrived at dead bird studios around 9:55 am. The first thing that caught your eye was a weird looking steam engine pulling up to the side of the studio "looks like the Conductor got here the same time we did" one of the express owls said "it's 'his baby', the trains called the owl epxress". "He takes a train to work??" You ask and the band nods, the Conductor hops off of the owl express and starts heading to the door, seeing you and his band standing at the door "yer on time (Y/N), owls go inside and set up while I talk to the lass" the Conductor said and the band walked into the reception, "where's yer cousin? She's suppose to be here as well" "I tried to get her up but she wouldn't budge, so I told her not to blams me if she get's in trouble" you explain. The Conductor nodded and gestured you to follow him into his studio.
"Alright! We need to make a movie so good it'll beat dj grooooooves movie!" The Conductor shouted, you sat in a small room with the Conductor and his crew, thinking on a movie plot as well as the script. All the express owls bagan scribbling ideas down on paper but you only did character traits and personalities since no plot ideas came to mind. "You! What have you written down so far" the Conductor pointed at one of the express owls, "well maybe a bank heist happens?" "Not good enough!" The Conductor growled. While the Conductor was yelling at his crew, you started to connect the dots on your scirbbles and came up with a posible plot "(Y/N) what about you?" The Conductor asked you, it seemed like none of the ideas his crew stood out. So sat up straight and said "maybe we have a duo with different ideas and traits team up to find a treasure or something?" The room was silent which made you worry until "that doesn't sound that bad lass, two opposites working together for the greater good" the Conductor paced back and forward until snapping his talons and pointing at you "That idea of yers will be our movie plot! Owls! Begin loading our props onto me train!" All the epxress owls exited the room, leaving you and the Conductor together. The Conductor walked up to you and placed his talons on your shoulder and 'looked at you' "follow me lassie, I want to talk to ye about making the movie plot" the Conductor said and opened the doorfor the both of you. You followed him to the Owl Express and hopped on to head to hud office and plan the movie.

You sat on a chair opposite to the Conductor's desk, watching him pull a whiteboard out of nowhere, "So first things first, who are our two main characters?" He asked and you pulled out the paper you scribbled on earlier. "well I thought about one is a sheriff and the other maybe a bartender of a saloon?" You weren't really a planner for characters or anything so you were only saying what could be an idea. The Conductor wrote down your ideas of main characters but wrote cowboy instead, giving you clear idea he preferred the idea of a cowboy as a main character. "Now, are ye insisting they be lovers or nae?" The Conductor asked you and you shook your forehead "I thought more of a friendship would be formed between the two" The Conductor nodded and continued to write. The rest of the day was just you and the Conductor planning the movie until the train stop at the studio, everyone hopped off the train to head home and get sleep. You walked out with the Conductor talking about how the movie scenes would play when you saw your cousin having a conversation with Dj Grooves "I'm quessing you did something with grooves?" You ask, spooking her from her conversation "Well you left two me behind!" Hat kid growled, making the Conductor sternly say "Don't blame yer cousin for being late little lass! Ye were suppose to be with her but you slept in more". Dj Grooves butted in saying "Calm down, both of you there's no need to argue but the Conductor's right darling. You did arrive late" Hat kid just growled and grabbed your hand to teleport the two of you to her ship, leaving the Conductor and Dj Grooves alone with each other.

Conductor's pov

"You didn't push (Y/N) far like you did to her cousin did you darling?" Grooves asked me, I just yelled "none of yer business!" And left to head home. During me way home, I remembered (Y/N) and her ideas, 'for someone who can't think straight she's not bad' I thought and grabbed me phone to message her

Hope I'm not bothering ye right now but I wanna ask ye something

I waited

Your not bothering me, I was bored already but what's up?

Well are ye able to make and impression of the bartender? So I can understand

Sure why not

I waited to see voice recording from her, I thought maybe she could play the bartender since the lass had the personality. A voice recording popped up and I pressed it to hear

"Listen cowboy, you can mess my horse up, you can mess me up but you do not mess my family saloon!"

Ah couldn't believe she made that, how is she not an actor fer that voice? Some of me feathers ruffled up after hearing the recording

There, does that give you an idea of the bartender's personality?

Sure does, it's getting late so night lassie

Goodnight Conductor

Ah hopped of the train and into me house to see in the mirror my state. Feathers ruffled and is that Blush?? 'No, I don't know the lass so ah cannot be blushing!' I thought, brushing me feathers down 'after all, I fell in love and now ah'm alone without her..' I grabed a photo of me wedding day with the love of me life, my wife...peck I miss her so much...why did she have to go? I put down the photo and began making some dinner for myself, constantly thinking 'you've loved before and ye lost that's it.'
(Now back to you!)

You layed on your bed, watching old tapes of your family being happy without a worry in the world. While watching, you started to cry, it's been so long but you still missed them. While crying you heard Okamun chirp in front of you, he probably found you in this state and worried. You try to smile and wiped your tears away "I'm ok Okamun, just.. watching old memories" you mumbled. Okamun layed on our lap and chirped to comfort you which you smile and stroke his mask, slowly drifting to sleep...
"Wait..why DID the Conductor want me to act like the bartender?"
"He's not planning on making me play the bartender's role right?"

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