Chapter 11 - a red hooded girls mischief gets her nowhere

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An: Thank you so much for everyone who was so patient for this chapter! I've been doing a lot of things and have been thinking of doing other x reader books for characters I fangirl yet that's up to you guys if you want that but I've also updated (Y/N)'s design!

An: Thank you so much for everyone who was so patient for this chapter! I've been doing a lot of things and have been thinking of doing other x reader books for characters I fangirl yet that's up to you guys if you want that but I've also updated ...

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Now that's this is out of the way let's get to chpater 11!)

You squinted from your ships lights, groggily getting up with only a little recollection of yesterday in your thoughts. You stretch hearing some cracks in your back and head over to your room to put some new clothing on, while walking towards your room you heard a familiar eerie voice from the library, lkstening in while walking past you heard "that doesn't seem possible" and "nothing matches up". You knew that it was Snatcher and from the sound of it he's looking through all those books for an answer, 'guess he hasn't found any luck on Okamun' you thought with worry, walking towards your bedroom.

The door to your bedroom opened for you to walk in, the first thing you noticed was your cousin wasn't in your bed anymore. 'She must've woken up earlier' you thought walking over to your dresser for some casual clothes. Finding your average set of clothing you undress from your previous outfit and put the clean clothing on, taking a deep breath in the comfortable clothing.

You sped out of your room and to the kitchen when you heard your phone going off near the lobby, you groan and unplug your now fully charged phone and see a message from the one and only Conductor which was sent last night. You opened the text message to find

"I forgot to tell yer invited to the annual bird movie awards since ye helped me with filming the whole film, I can't thank ye enough fer the help lassie."

You chuckle and put your phone down on the bench to make some eggs and bacon when you see a note with childish handwriting on it. "I won't need breakfast since I'm already out before your awake so don't wait for me ok (Y/N)? And Cooking Cat already gave me my breakfast - xoxo your most favorite cousin" you snicker at the note and continue making some bacon and eggs, after having breakfast you realized now with Okamun gone everything was quiet, you were use to the ship being quiet but now.. it just seemed off to you.

'Maybe I could visit Mafia town, I haven't been there for weeks and the only time I was there was when I arrived' you thought, and so your mind was set on exploring Mafia town. Putting your empty plate in the sink you grab your teleporter and put 'mafia town' as your destination, just about to press the button but you placed the teleporter down and quickly heading to another part of your ship.

This part of the ship contained things normally used for witchcraft or herbal healing, looking around you found the item you were looking for, a small green crystal. "If nothing adds up like Snatcher says then maybe one of these 'healing' crystals might help a little bit" you said and stuffed the crystal into my pocket, heading out to my lobby. You pull out your teleporter (I'm sorry if the name keeps changing I forget what it's name is) and add Mafia towns location and teleport there in an instant.

Feathered Feelings (Conductor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now