Chapter 15 - stayin' inside while the seas are raging

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Today you were staying inside your room not only because you were lazy but the Captain warned everyone about the seas today, they were raging with massive waves appearing from far away so he demanded everyone to stay inside and never go outside.

You pulled out an oodie you had packed (you can have any pattern you want on it but it'll have mine which is seas otters) and slipped into it, the warmth of the inside keeping you cozy. "At least I can keep an eye on you here" Snatcher was on your bed wrapped like a snake gazing at the window, "well true, but I honestly wanted to swim in the pool" you sighed and turned on the tv, felt like a movie kind of day.

You looked through the movies on the ship but none of them felt right to watch, "how about Titanic ey?" Snatcher chuckled but went quiet after you glared at him. You sighed until a thought came to mind, "you can use portals to places right?" You asked looking at the ghost, "whatever your up to I'm not helping-" "guess I won't be watching paranormal activity" "ok lemme get a portal up"

Snatcher waved his hand and opened up a portal to your ship, you hopped through the portal and quickly grabbed paranormal activity 1-4, hopping back into the portal to your room with the DVD's in hand. You grinned at Snatcher while holding the dvds and he just shouted "just play "em already" the door opened and Snatcher shifted into a cat as a little seal hopped over with your snacks "your snacks miss" the seal placed the snacks on your bed and left closing the door.

Snatcher changed back to his regular form and you put the DVD in, the snacks you ordered were some popcorn, drinks, sweets and some ice cream, the menu for paranormal activity popped up and you pressed play grabbing some popcorn gettting comfy...

(Few hours later)

Snatcher was going nuts on how most of the movements weren't "anything a ghost would really do" while you were changing DVD's, you were putting in paranormal activity 3 when you heard a knock on your door. You told Snatcher to hide and opened the door to find the Conductor who looked worried about something, "everything okay buddy?" You asked, the Conductor scratched his neck 'looking away' "have ye seen any of me grandkids around have ye? They've dissapeared again. Ah'm worried they got outside and so far only one is missing" you shook your head and paused the movie, "I haven't seen anyone since I woke up but I can help if you want" "thank ye lassie, with more help it'll be easier to find 'em".

You closed your door and started looking around the ship for any signs of a little yellow ball of feathers but nothing.. you were at the daycare when you heard giggling from outside, you looked outside the glass doors and saw the missing owlet dangling on a pole! You smashed the doors open to brace for the speeding wind and the rocky ship but that didn't matter, you HAD to get that little infant down!

You looked for anyway to get them down safely but you couldn't find anything, without a moment to lose you climbed the pole to reach the little infant meanwhile you heard seals coming out of the daycare. It was raining heavily and the wind didn't help but you kept climbing up, getting closer and closer to the little owlet, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?! I TOLD EVERYONE TO NOT BE UP HERE!" it was the captain and he sounded furious, "I'M NOT GOING BACK UNTIL I GET THIS KID DOWN!" you shouted back and kept climbing.

You reached the top of the pole and grabbed the little owlet when you heard the captain shout "WATCH OUT!" Suddenly the pole snapped and you fell with the infant in your arms, you looked behind and saw you were falling into the pool and the impact was unbearable! You were freezing and so was the owlet, your vision was becoming dark when you saw some brown flippers yank you out.

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