The night of Halloween (Halloween special!)

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(First things first, I love tim Burton's two claymation movies which are the Corpse bride and The nightmare before christmas and for a Halloween special I wanted to do either a scene or the movie ccover. I was gonna do corpse bride but that became too difficult so I did a scene from the nightmare before Christmas instead! The Conductor is of course Jack Skellington and Okamun is Zero in the cover!)

You applied some pale blue body paint on your face, it was Halloween and you were gonna walk around with Hat kid, Bow kid and Mustache girl to keep an eye on them.

(I did draw the costume just in case no one knew what the nightmare before Christmas is)

They insisted that you should wear a costume so you went with Sally and not from the game Sally face, talking about the one from the Disney film The nightmare before Christmas

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They insisted that you should wear a costume so you went with Sally and not from the game Sally face, talking about the one from the Disney film The nightmare before Christmas. A claymation film which mixed two special Traditions into a film and worked with it.

You knew what the little trio were going as for Halloween, your cousin was going as one of Snatcher's minions (you had to help her make the cloak), Bow kid was going as the empress, she even has the rings and fake scar on her eye and Mu was going as robin hood, originally she wanted to be Jason Voorhees but she scared Bow kid and Hat kid too much. As you finished adding fake stitches Hat kid walked into your room, "C'mon (Y/N)! I don't wanna be late!" Hat kid whined, slumping onto your bed. "I'm almost Done Hat kid, just let me do one more stitch and we can go. While your waiting you can have some sweets from my stash" you said, Hat kid grinned and dashed out of your room and to your sweet stash, doesn't everyone have a stash of sweets nowadays? You finished your stitch and headed out to your lobby where Hat kid was waiting. You fired up your teleportation device and set it to 'Mafia Town' where Bow kid and Mu were, you grabbed your cousin's hand and teleported the two of you to Mafia town...

"Took you two long enough!" Mu snarled, Bow kid and Mu had been waiting in the plaza next to the fountain for the two of you to arrive and have some fun. You sighed "adding body paint and fake stitches took longer than expect, you guys have your baskets?" The trio lifted three  pumpkin shaped basket's, all nodding "Well..guess itself time for some trick or treating!" You shout, right as Bow kid and Mu started to run Hat kid shouted "wait! There's still some people we're waiting on" Mu glared at Hat kid and sat on the fountains ring, tapping her fingers on the hard concrete. You give a questioning look to your cousin when you heard footsteps heading your way. "Sorry we took so long darlings!" Grooves apologized, Snatcher, Dj Grooves and the Conductor walked towards you in costumes of their own. Dj Grooves was wearing an astronaut costume, Snatcher just wore a Michael myers mask somehow and the Conductor? He surprisingly wore a Jack Skellington costume, he had the bowtie and everything, it was honestly a suprise to you. "Let's just get this over with, I wanna get back to my stump as fast a possible" Snatcher groaned, everyone just looked at him like he ruined the fun for everyone. "Now is everyone here?" You ask your cousin, Hat kid nods and finally Halloween night can begin!

(2 hours later)

Halloween night was over...well for the kids since they fell asleep during they're fun, now it's just the adult's sitting around, taking a break and waiting for Cooking Cat to get to Snatchers stump and keep an eye on the girls. Snatcher was reading a book which had a name too long to say, Dj Grooves was sitting in the corner trying to get some air, he literally kept the suit's helmet on for two hours it's suprising he's still alive and the Conductor was no where to be seen for some reason. You we're relaxing at the top of Snatcher's stump, gazing at the moon and the stars when you heard mumbling and grunting from behind you, you turn around to see the Conductor trying his best to lift himself up onto the top of the stump. You reach your hand out for him to grab which he did and you pulled him up with ease, "How did ye get up here in the first place??" The Conductor asks you, panting "I just teleported myself up here" you reply shrugging your shoulders. The Conductor 'glares' at you but leans forward due to the cool breeze flowing through his feathers, now you had a better look at his costume and from what you could tell it was hand made or talon made. "Did you make your costume yourself" the Conductor turns to you and nods "aye, I did and I've got the proof to show it" you chuckle at his response saying "I'm glad at least two people made their costume by hand" the Conductor tilts their head in confusion when you continue "I tore up a lot of fabric to make this dress, there's about 5 layers I've made on this thing" you watch as the yellow owls face turned a slight red and laughed when Snatcher yelled out "CC is here, get off of the top or you're being left behind!" You stand up and brush your dress off while the Conductor did the same, you teleported the two of you to the bottom and headed off with Snatcher and Dj grooves for an adult-style Halloween while CC babysat the girl's
(half an hour later)

You were wandering around a field of pumpkins, Snatcher decided to ruin the party for everyone, Dj Grooves and the Conductor were trying to stop him from doing more damage- "there ye are lass!" Nevermind. You turn to the owl who was out of breath from running "How did ye get all the way here in 5 minutes??" The Conductor asks, slowly sitting down to get some air, you just chuckle and shrugged as your reply, sitting down next to the Conductor. The Conductor just shakes his head sideways and looks the other way when you ask "so how was the movie?" The Conductor turns to you, tilting his head in confusion until you pointed as his costume "Well 'twas alright, odd mix on two holidays don't ye think?" You nodded right when your phone went off, you pull your phone out to see a message from Dj Grooves "Snatcher and I are heading home since it's late darling, please tell the Conductor about this and have a nice night darling!" You smirk a little, getting the Conductor's attention "Grooves sent me a text that him and Snatcher are heading home" you yawned "it is getting late" the Conductor pointed out.

You stand up, stretching " I have to head back, CC's gonna need help with putting the girl's to bed" You said to the Costumed owl beside you, the Conductor stood up and cracked his back "alright then, I'll take ye back" the Conductor grabbed your hand and led you out of the pumpkin patch, your face heated up slightly but not enough to show , you watched the stars as the two of you exited the pumpkin patch...

(15 minutes later)

Also Conductor pov!

I washed off all the water that dripped down me feathers, after running around and wearing a costume for a few hours makes ye smell so after I got home ah took a quick shower before resting. Drying meself off, I grabbed me pajamas and changed, the thought about (Y/N) in her costume came to me mind, they looked so lovely wearing that costume and when I was holding their hand it just felt right. I felt me beak begin to heat up so I stopped thinking about it and laid into the soft layers of me bedsheets and in an instant, fell asleep...
No one's pov

The inside of (Y/N)'s spaceship was quiet, the only sound that could be heard was a book's page being turned from time to time. Okamun was exploring through the ship since technically, ghosts don't sleep and no one was awake to keep them company (Snatcher wouldn't enjoy being disturbed), while the dweller was exploring they felt a shock of pain go through their see through body, they squeaked in pain as they curled into a ball, hoping for the pain to stop. The pain subsided and the hollow dweller could relax yet, it felt like something was wrong with them but couldn't describe it..nonetheless Okamun headed back to (Y/N)'s room to lay on her bed and wait for them to wake up but..they couldn't shake that feeling off...

AN: I thought it would be fun to make a holiday special on the same day! The end with Okamun continues the actual story plot so keep aware on it for ideas, also I've created a persona as my user, I will reveal them soon but happy Halloween everyone!

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