the Polar Pexpress - Christmas special!

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Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all are having a coronavirus-free holiday! Ik this is published on Christmas eve but when it's actually Christmas everyone will be busy having fun with family and opening presents,Now I'm gonna get a little personal with you all, I planned to use a film that you would normally watch around december like the Halloween special and only one movie was perfect for this since it had a train in it, The Polar express.

If you don't know what the Polar Express is I highly recommend watching it before reading this bc the film is such a classic and I know a lot of children around 5 years-old wanted to ride the Polar express after seeing the movie bc I was one of them, now I'm 15 I know that it will never happen but that doesn't stop me from dreaming about it time after time. Other than that I hope you enjoy reading this christmas special!

It was december the 7th, most commonly known as "I want this for christmas!" for children due to the festive holiday, Christmas. Around December the 3rd you and the others were planning on where a Christmas party would be held and your ship was chosen for the party. Right now you were pulling out old Christmas decorations from adventures and your childhood as you heard someone walk in from Hat kid's ship coughing a lot.

You turn to see a sniffly, fluffy Conductor and from looking at him he wasn't in good shape. "Has it gotten cold where you live?" You ask him as he walks over to you, "aye, my place ain't the only area covered in snow lassie, even the entrace to the studio is blocked in pecking snow!" The Conductor squawked helping you pull out decorations carefully "well this Christmas party I can at least stay for the night" you chuckled. The Conductor pulled out some tangled tinsel which pulled out a small,thin, case along with it.

You stared at the box, wide eyed and picked it up with both of your hands and catching the Conductor's attention. You were in disbelief about this little box, you thought this box had disappeared years ago but it was right here in your hands. "What's that ye got there Y/N?" The Conductor asked trying his best to untangle the tinsel trapping his talons together, "It's an old movie I use to watch with my family years ago" you said with your eyes starting to water, you held the movie close to your chest having tears fall from your cheeks "I never thought I'd see it again".

The Conductor placed the tangled tinsel down and walked over to your side to see whatever this movie was making you cry for, "The Polar Express? What kind of film is this?" The owl asked with you now wide-eyed at the question and rubbing your eyes from tears, "The Polar Express is a classic movie from 2004 peck, one of the best movies for this festive season! I'm suprised you haven't heard about it!" You said with a hint of shock in your tone. The Conductor stared at the film "I think ah've seen the movies cover in theaters when I was a wee chick but I've never watched it" you sigh and place the film down and grab some ornaments carefully wrapped up for safe keeping. "For a director you really don't know your seasonal classics" you boast walking away to another part of the ship and leaving the Conductor gobsmacked with shock from your tone.

Conductor pov

50 minutes later and at bird seed park..

"I don't know my seasonal classics?! How dare she!" I barked, all I wanted ta do was help (Y/N) with decorating her ship for the party but that pecking film she found had to ruin the mood! I took a deep breath and calmed meself, 'then again, that film means a lot to her and she thought she lost it so I can't get mad over her chidlhood happiness' I thought, with my head in my thoughts I didnae hear someone calling out to me until I felt someone grip my shoulder. I turn my head behind me to see the receptionist behind me, "what's got you ticked off now?" He asked he'd always know if I'm steaming with rage so I turn to him and explain the situation earlier, "that's all your annoyed about?" He growled putting two of his talons on his beak.

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