Chapter 14 - first time on a cruise, now what to do?

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After that little scare you glanced at the window near your bed, you walked over and viewed the icy deep with little chunks of ice passing by the cruise. 'Maybe I should see what's where on this cruise before I do anything'you thought and left your room to have a little adventure.

The first thing you noticed was where every room could be found, there were rooms everywhere and a little garden in the middle. Roses could be found dangling from balconies above which added some touch to the area. You hazed at the scenery until you felt something tug your pants, you looked down to see a seal in a little suit with a bowtie giving the little owo face while it stared.

"Hewwo miss! Are you having a gwood time on the cwuise?" You chuckle and nod, "are there any restricted areas here that I need to know?" The seal nodded and pulled a map out for you, "the cawptain told us to give evewyone one so the incident doesn't happen"

You thanked the seal and headed off to explore. You ended up in the lobby where you could see lots of creatures booking for rooms with little seals working at the reception desk and others psuhing luggage around, you could see CAW agents, Moon penguins, Nomads (idk what they are called), Dj Grooves, Nya- wait. Dj Grooves?!

You looked back to spot Dj Grooves at the reception desk and giving his luggage to a seal, he looked up sighing and noticed you. "(Y/N)? Is that you?" The Penguin quickly placed his luggage down and higged you, "we've got to stop meeting like this darling!" You chuckle until you felt pain from your hip once again and hissed.

Dj Grooves looked at you and rhen to your hip, "did you injure your hip?" He asked, you were about to answer until the pain got worse to the point you had to crouch, holding your hand around your hip. Dj Grooves crouched next to you and helped you stand up and keep pressure on your hip, Dj Grooves shouted for help and one of the reception seals waddled over "is evewything ok sir?" Dj Grooves shook his head "are there any doctors on this cruise?"

The seal shook his head "we don't have Doctows but we have bandages behind the desk" Grooves demanded for some bandages and the seal hopped back and grabbed a medical kit, the seal came back Grooves grabbed the kit and immediately began cleaning the claw marks and wrapping bandages around your waist.

Dj Grooves walked you to an empty couch and sat you down, "what creature did that wound to you?!" He shouted. You twiddled your fingers anxious, "I don't think you'd believe me if I told you" you murmured. Dj Grooves thanked the seal and walked you outside to the cool air.

You leaned over the rails and Grooves joining beside you, "Darling" he started "that wound doesn't look old or like any old scratch, whatever it was you can tell me" you glanced at the ocean and sighed. "Could dreams or..nightmares harm you if they had the chance?" You asked, the penguin scratched his feathers "well that depends on the dream itself but they could if that's what your saying".

You looked over at him, "I had a dream, a weird one where I was in Subcon Forest but everything was covered in ice. All the minions, dwellers, everything that lived there was frozen. The worse thing was there was a giant cage and it looked like something ripped it open from the inside, I saw some papers with Okamun's name of them but most of the writing was blurred until I read the last few pages. They said 'That's not me (Y/N). Please believe me' and that next thing I knew I got slashed in the hip by this creature".

Grooves looked at you with horror, "I-ice? Some creature what kind od dream was that?" You shrugged. You noticed Grooves was twiddling his flippers like ge wanted to say something, "what's got you all up in a knot?" You asked, the disco penguin looked at you again "it's about that possible stalker, they may be a friend because last night..they were in my home" you gasped.

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