Chapter 2 - A trip down in Mafia Town

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A/N: F/C - favorite color
S/F/C - secondary favorite color
Since ppl may not like the colors on the clothing in chapter 1 but I'm jeeping the default color clothing for each chapter cover

You were rudely awoken by your cousin jumping on you and shouting "No sleeping in (Y/N)!" "Alright! Alright! I'm up happy now?" You groan as you stretch your back and get out of your bed to get into your (F/C) jumper and (S/F/C) pants, Hat kid sat on your bed waiting for you to get ready for the tour she planned

"Hat kid, at least let's have breakfast before we go ok?" You say as you put a pair of sneakers on "I already have breakfast being made for the both of us so come on!" Hat kid quickly replies. Before you left your bedroom you remembered you were missing some accessories, you walk to your dresser and pull out a drawer which got hat kids attention

"missing something (Y/N)-" before she could continue she noticed the three badges you pulled out and pinned onto your jumper, "you have badges of your own?" Hat kid asked looking at them suprised "you know about these as well? Well these three badges are quite important to me since they have gotten me out of situations" you calmly reply with a smile on your face.
(These are the badges you are wearing)

Hat kid came closer to you to see the badges better and asked "what do these badges do anyway (Y/N)?" "Well each badge is important and special which is why I always wear them just in case

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Hat kid came closer to you to see the badges better and asked "what do these badges do anyway (Y/N)?" "Well each badge is important and special which is why I always wear them just in case.

The Compass badge helps me find my way if I'm lost and find safer routes and paths to go through when things get dangerous, the Heartful badge gives me a second life if I die once but I've never died to see it's potential yet I keep a hold of it just in case I do need it and the Communicator badge let's me speak any language necessary and I can hear others in a language I can understand"

Hat kid giggles and drags you to her ship for breakfast with you almost tripping everytime, when you got into Hat kid's ship you looked around astonished with all the changes made since the last time you saw it until you were once again dragged by your cousin into the kitchen which looked the same apart from the decorations on the walls, but what got you the most was the cat in a chef's hat cooking some sweet smelling food on the stove.

"Cooking cat this is the cousin I was talking about last night!" Hat kid shouted to the feline 'Cooking cat huh? Not a bad name' you thought and waved politely to Cooking cat "so this is (Y/N) then? Pleasure to meet you! I'm Cooking cat like your cousin Hat kid said here and she let's me cook in her kitchen whenever I come over" Cooking cat says giving you a feline grin "breakfast is almost done so please have a seat you two" Cooking cat says and you and your cousin sit down for some breakfast which was some fluffy pancakes but sadly, you couldn't savor the flavour since Hat kid quickly finished her pancakes and was jumping on her seat waiting for you to finish.

You thanked Cooking cat for the pancakes and followed Hat kid to her teleporter and zapped straight to the first part of the tour

Mafia Town

You looked around at the casual colors and the residents living there until three men and striped uniforms were stacked on top of each other on the ground in front of you and your cousin with a small figure landing on top the pile, the figure was about the same height of your cousin and wore a red cape

"once again taking the mafia down as usual right Mu?" Hat kid said with a bit of sass? From her tone "You know straight that I always take the mafia down whenever I can!" the figure huffed with some temper and looked up at you "and who on earth is this here? Never seen them before" "she's my cousin (Y/N) you know the one I sent letters to?" Hat kid replied and the figure ran around you looking you up and down until saying

"cousin ey? Well your cousin looks like a fighter! The name's Moustache girl or Mu for short" Moustache girl exclaimed with a wide grin on her face, "(Y/N) and it's a pleasure to meet you Mu" you say and ask "what is this place anyway?" "This place is called mafia town and the whole place is run with well...mafia" Moustache girl explains while mumbling the last words before walking forward

"Since it sounds like your new let me give you a tour of the place" Moustache girl says "Hey! I was going to give (Y/N) a tour of Mafia town!" Hat kid pouts with an angry expression on her face. To quickly avoid any possible conflit you say "why don't you both give me a tour? Sound ok?" Moustache girl and Hat kid look at eachother then look at you "Don't see why not" Moustache girl says and takes the lead to the Mafia town tour with you and Hatkid following behind

"So you and my cousin use to be enemies?" You ask holding a nice bottle of coke "yep! All because your cousin wouldn't let me use a timepiece to take the mafia down" Moustache girl exclaims while sipping some apple juice and Hat kid sticking her tongue out at Moustache girl "Timepieces are not to be toyed with Mu, they can be dangerous if used in the wrong way I mean you made the whole world look like a lava planet after using a couple!" Hat kid shouted giving Moustache girl a mean glare,

hearing that made you choke on your drink "I'm sorry you turned the planet into WHAT?!" You yelled scaring Hat kid and Moustache girl "I mean yes I DID turn the planet into a world filled with lava but Hat kid fixed everything and there really isn't any consequences that came after" Moustache girl explains drinking more apple juice "who says there won't be future consequences from that incident?" You question which got Moustache girls attention

"If you think about it" you continue "just because there isn't any consequences now doesn't mean there won't be any in the future" Moustache girl stayed quiet looking at you and remembering what you said

"never thought about that but the future is a LONG way so I have nothing to worry!" She says with pride in her voice and tossing her apple juice into a trash bin, you and hatkid just dropped your empty bottles into the trash and have Moustache girl shout on why it would be cooler if you two tossed the bottles into the bin instead of being 'plain' and dropping them into the bin.

Hat kid tugged on your sleeve telling you it was time to take a break and move on with the tour so you said goodbye to Moustache girl and teleported onto Hatkid's ship and made some cookies with Cooking cat as a snack and relax on your ship before heading to the next location

Dead bird Studios..

A/N:Since school is a pain chapters will not be as quick as the first and second chapter as well as art and story plot

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