Extra! - Headcanons

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Just some headcanons of dating a knife wielding owl! And yes that drawing is a quick one but still, looks ok right?

- like beauty and the beast, you can calm down your owl boyfriend from going too far

- Conductor is definitely a cuddler, even though he doesn't show it

- you would literally be called by either the receptionist, the express owls or dj Grooves to deal with him

- most of his movies starred you and him as the lovers

- he loves you dearly ok?

- get catcalled once and the Conductor would be on that person's case stat!

- that beak of his doesn't get in the way of you kissing him

-one time an express owl entered the Conductor's office to find his boss asleep on your lap and you stroking his feathers

- he would 100% take you everywhere on his train

- screeching beast on the outside but a gentle being on the inside

- mimics purring just to either annoy you or get your attention

- in bed he'd always have one of his wings wrapped around you

- dates would mostly be at parks, ponds and surprisingly his train

- at first he was worried about you knowing about the lil' blighters but after seeing you loved them too he calmed down

- if you weren't well he would make a nest out of pillows and blankets and even take a day off to make sure you're alright

- when it's winter he would hold you close due to how much heat his feathers produce, doesn't want you to freeze

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