Chapter 13 - the Annual bird movie awards

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An: I may or may not be back in school when this chapter is released but let's hope I can survive one term of it, anyways Instead of your pov it'll be the Conductor's pov for the start!

Conductor's pov

I was fidgeting with me bowtie, a little restless fer the awards. Although I've gotten so many I always get anxious at these, "Darling if you keep fidgeting you won't look good in your attire" the peck neck penguin said, I growled at him. Little did this pecker know I was more anxious than normal, Although I still didn't believe it I was thinking about (Y/N) and how she'd look.

"Although we don't get along I must say this one thing" Dj Grooves said catching me attention, "I recently talked with (Y/N) yesterday about that she could be in danger-" "danger? Wot danger??" I squaked, Dj Grooves mumbled a little, "I forgot to mention one thing to her and it was in her possible stalkers pocket. I saw a photo of her waving to the camera but you didn't have any cameras on you during filming right?" I shook me head, "no photos were taken during film and the only time she did that was on the 45th take for sceme 25".

The limo came to a halt, "this must be where the two darlings are, I wonder how (Y/N) will be with her new dress" I 'looked at the penguin growling, "how do ye know they have a new dress?!" "The dress they were gonna wear was eaten by moths and CC offered to help her out" I 'glared' at the pecker "will you stop if I tell you not even I have seen the dress?" Grooves asked, I look away and to the window until the limousine door was opened.

"Watch your step please" the driver said, I saw the hat lass wearing a purple and yellow dress with white sequins but when (Y/N) appeared I didnae know what to say... the dress she wore was gorgeous, it looked like she was meant to wear it, she was beautiful. The little lass sat next to Grooves to chat leaving (Y/N) to sit alone, the lass looked uneasy so I said "the awards making ye nervous too?" (Y/N) jolts from shock looking at me and relaxed, "I've just never been to something like it before" (Y/N) was keeping her hands together tight so I shuffled a little closer.

(Y/N) turned her head to the window, staring into the setting sun, "beautiful" she murmured, "aye, the sun setting over the clouds and the moon rising in it's place just makes ya feel good" (Y/N) giggled when the limo came to a harsh stop. Grooves looked out the window and sighed, "theres always a traffic jam in this area" Hat kid pouts, displeased on the situation  while (Y/N) looked down at herself.

I got up and sat next to her and pat her back, "Don't worry, nothing bads gonna happen" I reassure her but (Y/N) shakes her head a little. "I'm unsure on that Conductor.." "are you still disturbed on the possible stalker I told you yesterday? Don't worry darling! There's security everywhere at the awards so you'll be safe" Grooves spoke up, Hat kid unwinds the window and shouts "THIS TRAFFIC SUCKS! PECK NECKS!" "HAT KID!" (Y/N) growls and hat kid quickly winds the window up and sits down quiet.

The rest of the way was a breeze and finally we got to the pecking award ceremony...

(Your pov!)

The Conductor stood up and opened the door, reaching his talons out for you to grab, you rab his talons and hop out of the limo and into constant flashing lights and lots of squawking.

"Mr Conductor sir! Do you have high hopes for winning this years movie award?!"

"Conductor is it true the CAW agency are REAL agents?!"

Feathered Feelings (Conductor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now