Love be in the air (Valentine's day special)

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Happy valentine's day everyone! Although I have school and trying to not miss any work I have I still try to give time to this!

I wanted to use a palette for the this special and I found one so without any further introductions let's go on with the special!

Today was valentine's day, the one day you didn't enjoy at all. Every year you'd end up as the third wheel to your friends and you never enjoyed that.

For valentine's day Hat kid was having fun with Bow kid and Mustache girl, Cooking cat went home to see her family and well everyone was busy. You got up from bed and changed to walk out and hear silence.

You now were so used to silence it both bothered you and didn't at the same time, you walk into the lobby and find Rumbi doing their normal routine except they had a sticky note on their sensor.

You took off the sticky note to find it was from Hat kid, "Hey (Y/N)! I'm already gone by the time your up so no need to wake me but happy valentine's day cousin!" You sighed, now it was just you in your ship, all alone.

You pulled out your phone, going onto noogle and typed "ways to keep yourself distracted" on the search bar. Lots of websites popped up but you clicked on the one at the bottom.

The website had a lot of options but you chose sketching outside somewhere with people, you rush up to your library and grabbed a notebook and a pencil, rushing back downstairs and used your teleporter to see Apline Skyline and possibly sketch some of the houses but for some reason you couldn't. You checked through every destination added to your teleporter and the only one that worked was "Bird seed park".

With that you shrugged and teleported down there...

You were teleported at the fountain inside the park, lots of couple were enjoying this day you didn't enjoy much having time with their loved one. You sat on the fountains ring and began sketching, you were sketching a hare and being careful with your work when all of a sudden someone knocked your notebook out of your hands and into the fountain!

You quickly grabbed your notebook to find all the pages wet and damp, including the one with the hare sketch, all ruined when you just began. Just when you thought things couldn't get worse you were pushed into the fountain as well! You quickly rose up from the murky water and gagged, looking down at your now wet clothes.

You heard laughter behind you and see a hawk having a ball, "see babe that's funny!" The hawk giggled, his "babe" looked at you in shock and punched his partners wing, "what the heck was that for?! She didn't do anything!" The hawk glared at his babe with disbelief, "c'mon babe look at 'em that's a third wheeler right there and third wheelers are always the joke between couples! That's what their meant for, to be a joke!"

You started to cry, lowering your head down to your knees and covering your head with your arms, "third wheeler" was what you hated to be known as during this holiday, you heard voices of other couples who seemed to be yelling at the hawk. Without hesitation you tried to get up and run to not cause anymore disturbance but instead the bottom of the fountain was slippery and you slipped you your head hitting the fountain so hard that your sight became fuzzy.

You tried to focus on your pathway and ran, the pain and embarrassment keeping you going with a reason to leave, avoiding the couples calling out to you...

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