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Brianna was fucking livid.

Who the fuck did Nikki think he was trying to criticise her. He was just as bad as her and she didn't see any reason for him to have any right to act the way he did. He did not get to scream at her for doing the exact same thing he does and he did not get to be an asshole to her because he felt like it.

She found herself storming to slash's room in hopes of being calmed down by the boy who was basically her brother. Pounding her fist against the door she nearly nocked Izzy out as he swung the door open,the rhythm guitarist noticed something was very wrong with his bestfriend and he widened his eyes at her state "whoa Anna what happened?" He questioned.

However he got no reply,instead he got shouldered as she barged into the room and began to pace it,not noticing the presence of the remainder of guns' that were watching her with alarmed looks as she pulled at her hair and rambled on. "Who the fuck does he think he is" she seethed,thinking about the green eyed asshole that was down the hall. It was axl that spoke up to try and calm his friend down "who Brie,what happened?" She snapped her head towards him as she lit a cigarette with shaking hands "fucking Nikki" she spat as if his name was poison.

Slash was about to utter another question but before a word slipped past his lips his bestfriend was already talking "that piece of shit thinks he has a right to criticise me when he does the exact same thing. If he's high he doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything but if I'm high,well apparently it's the end of the world according to that asshole and he thi-"
Her rambling was cut off,this time by duff who was now sitting up straight watching Brie with curiosity "so basically you had a fight because your high?" He asked slowly like he was talking to a baby.

"Yeah but he has no fucking right to act like he gives a a shi-" this time she was cut off by slash who stood to his feet abruptly and stormed over to his sister "what the fuck Brie" he spat motioning to the now bruising handprint on her face "he fucking hit you? I'm gonna kill him" the livid guitarist rushed towards the door but Brie grabbed him before he opened it "I slapped him first,and spat in his face" she said not wanting to look like the girl who gets slapped about "I don't care if you stabbed him Brie,he's fucking dead" and with that slash was out the room and sprinting down the hall with everyone else close behind.

"You wanna hit my sister,you pussy piece of shit" he shouted as he pulled Nikki up off the bed and threw him to the floor,the strung out bassist didn't seem fazed and this angered slash more "you wanna fucking hit someone,cmon then asshole hit me" slash exclaimed as he landed a blow to nikkis face,the two rolled around on the floor exchanging blows,slash getting more in since he was sober,soon a pair of arms wrapped around the guitarist and pried him off of Nikki.

Tommy pushed slash away and got in his face "yo what the fuck man" he shouted,waiting for an answer since he had no idea what was going on. "What's going on?" Asked a very bewildered vince "ask your fucking bass player" axl seethed,also extremely angry that the man had put his hands on Brie. Vince looked down at Nikki expectantly,waiting for him to fill the singer in but he just lay there,close to passing out.

Once everything had been explained,sides were taken,bottles and punches were thrown and the two groups now had a dangerous amount of tension between them,though they agreed on one thing.

Nikki and Brianna needed to talk their shit out for the sake of themselves and everyone else.

Well have this pile of shit x~Scarlett 💀

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