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The next morning brie opened her eyes slowly and squinted at the harsh lights. Slowly sitting herself up and surveying her surroundings she noticed she was still in jail and let out a groan. She looked at the cell next to her that was occupied by slash,tommy,axl,duff and vince. She reached through the bars of the cell and tugged on slashs curls,he let out a loud curse when he shot up and hit his head on the bars. Brie snickered and smiled sweetly at him whilst he glared in return "what happened last night?" The young hungover girl asked,the last thing she remembered was biting someone's arm.

Slash laughed quietly and told her he had no clue and she wasnt the only one with shit memory,playfully glaring at him she proceeded to wake up the rest of the boys to see if they could put the pieces together of the shit show that was apparently last night. After asking everyone in her neighbouring cell and coming out with nothing she looked around her cell and it was only then she realised nikki,steven and izzy were her cell mates.

"Nikki!!" She shouted earning groans from old hungover and homeless telling her to "shut the fuck up". Nikki slowly turned to look at her with a lazy grin and she immediately thanked god she was sitting because If not her knees would have definitely gave out. Braking her out of the little daydream she was in nikki gently snapped his fingers in her face and laughed to himself when she finally stopped.

"What's up" he said "do you have any idea what happened last night?" I asked hopefully "your guess is as good as mine babe" he said with a shrug. I groaned and gently bashed my head against the bars,my face lit up seeing a certain guitarist walking towards the cells with a scowl on his face "your all fucking idiots" scolded mick as the cells were unlocked and we got released. I gave him a hug followed by a kiss on the cheek before skipping down the hall,I heard them all laughing followed by their boots coming closer.

Slash POV

We ended up at the whiskey and were currently getting shitfaced once again,I laughed as I watched brie jump up on the table and start dancing "oh shit,free dance" vince said jokingly. She slowly bent down to be eye to eye with vince before kissing him to distract him so that she could grab his wallet. Those of us that noticed her do it quietly chuckled amongst ourselves and she shot us a wink,damn my bestfriend is good.

She jumped down from the table and sauntered over to the bar to get a drink,watching in amusement as she flirted shamelessly with the bar tender I noticed nikki with a slight glare on his face and nudged tommy to show him. Once the drummer had spotted it we looked at each other with matching grins and kept an eye on the unpredictable girl.

Barely 5 minutes later and she was making her way out of the whiskey with said bartender laughing and smiling,shaking my head I downed the rest of my drink before standing up causing the boys to follow suit. "Cmon boys,let's go cockblock brianna" axl said with a shit eating grin,all of us laughed including nikki and we ran out of the bar like a bat from hell to catch up with the two.

Spotting them I triumphantly pointed my finger at them and watched as duff and vince ran up to them.

Vince POV

When me and duff got behind them I tapped on the guys shoulder and he turned as did brie,smirking I looked at duff and nodded slightly "Susan,who's this?" Duff asked jutting his thumb towards the bar boy "she immediately caught on and needless to say she was not happy. About to speak she was cut off when mr one night stand spoke "who are you?" He asked with attitude "her boyfriend" duff said in a duh tone. I looked back to see the boys pissing themselves of laughter and tried my best to contain mine "is that true brianna?" The boy asked her "BRAINNA?" I asked pretending to be appalled "her name is susan" I corrected. The look on both if their faces was priceless and I could no longer hold the laughter in "wow,fucking slut" the guy said as he turned to walk away. Suddenly everything was serious and me and duff attacked him,punching and kicking "while the fuck do you think your talking to" I shouted,with no reply i punched him in the face on last time whilst duff put an arm around brie and took her away.

Brianna POV

I glared at every single rockstar and stomped back into the whiskey whilst they continued to laugh their asses off like immature kids. Slamming down $10 I leaned over the bar and grabbed a bottle of vodka chugging almost a quarter before walking over to a both and throwing myself into it. I saw nikki come over iut of the corner of my eye and sighed,sitting beside me he wrapped an arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder.

"It was axls idea" he told me with a chuckle "of course it was" I laughed. I talked with nikki for an hour about different stuff and hadn't noticed the rest of the guys departure. He walked me back to the apartment and kissed my cheek before descending down the stairs. I sighed when I opened the door and found the boys chasing each other with nothing but their boxers on,what the fuck am I doing.

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