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Izzy found Brie crying behind the dark and dingy alleyway and sighed

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Izzy found Brie crying behind the dark and dingy alleyway and sighed. He walked over and quickly lit a cigarette,sitting himself beside her and passing her the stick of nicotine without saying a word. The girl took a long inhale and closed her eyes,she just wanted the buzzing in her head to stop and the tears to stop falling from her crystal blue eyes. "Look Brie,I know we haven't been the closest lately and if I'm being honest I don't have a fucking clue what is going on with you,but I'm worried." Izzy stated.

The girl let out a weak laugh and leant her head back against the brick behind her. "I'm okay iz,I just need to work through some stuff and get the fuck over myself and I'll be fine" she said easily,knowing that she was lying through her teeth and that she was definitely not fine. "Spoken like a true addict,huh?" Izzy chuckled,Brianna let out a sigh and shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah maybe,but I don't care anymore. There's nothing left for me to care about." She said bitterly.

"I know how you feel Brie,and you can talk to me alright,your basically my little sister" Izzy rolled up the sleeves of the shirt he was wearing and showed the girl his very own track marks that littered his arms. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath,god no,not him too. She silently thought to herself,if anything happened to Izzy she would never get over it,he was her best friend.

"Izzy..." she whispered numbly,he sighed and intertwined his nimble fingers with her own. The two sat in silence,both filled with questions that they knew would only be answered with excuses and lies. "I don't wanna do this anymore iz" Brie confessed "I'm tired of pretending I'm okay because I'm really fucking not and I feel like I'm going crazy" she continued.

"I'm here for you brie,always have been and always will be" the man replied with a solemn smile that made her heart break. She could see the sadness and uncertainty that swam in izzy's eyes and she wanted nothing more than to tell him everything would be fine but she couldn't,because she didn't know if that was true. Instead she pulled him into a hug and they stayed like that for a while,before they both stood to their feet and trudged their way back into the hotel that brianna was really starting to hate.

walking through the reception area she noticed that nikki and vanity were no longer there,she didn't care where they had fucked off too as long as they left her the hell alone. she waited for izzy to catch up as he had been signing an autograph for some teenager before the two friends ascended up the stairs to the floor they were staying on.

it turned out that the bands had got together,with the exception of nikki and were having some kind of party in tommys room so the two headed over,both tired and drained due to their own internal problems.

Izzy raised his hand and knocked loudly on the door with the hopes that someone would hear over the heavy rock music that was blasting on the other side. A worn out looking mick opened the door to let the two in,greeting izzy with a friendly handshake and brie with a surprisingly long hug.

They sat down and the drink and drug's immediately started flowing towards the pair. Brie wasn't as dense as some people probably thought,she knew it would be in her best interest to stay away from any form of drug but she just didn't want to. so she sat patiently while vince happily cut her a few lines as he blubbered on about something she had absolutely no clue about.

Pamela sat next to tommy,the seemingly perfect couple were cuddled up on the couch together as pam sipped on a glass of wine. She gave brie a friendly smile and nodded to the balcony,a subtle tell tale sign that she wanted to speak to her friend.

So with her drink in hand brie stood and followed her,ignoring vince who was still talking absolute shit. Brie lit a cigarette as pam sat herself down on a deck chair that was nearby,brie opting to do the same. "how are you?" was the first thing pamela asked her friend "I'm okay,tired but okay" brie tried to give her as honest of an answer that she could. The girl never liked talking about her feelings all that much,her mind too overwhelmed with the thought that she would only be a burden and depress people,and she didn't want that.

Seeing this pamela changed the subject and the two friends began making plans for pam and Tommy's wedding. The model was ecstatic that she was marrying the drummer and brie couldn't help but feel pure joy as the blonde sat across from her and gushed about the plans she had.

Brie promised to help her out with anything she needed and they continued their conversation for a while longer before heading back inside. As soon as they stepped over the threshold brie could sense the tension in the room and figured it probably had to do with nikki and vanity being there.

Pam gently tugged brie over to the couch her and tommy were occupying and sat her down,passing her a drink and making sure to include her in all conversation so that her mind didn't wander,brie noticed this and was currently extremely grateful to her friend for looking out for her. It was nice and for the first time in a while she found herself enjoying other people's company,but of course it couldn't last as vanity decided to open her big mouth,the room going silent at her words.

Dun Dun Dun bitch i'm back,guys i've literally not updated this story for so long i'm not even sure if anyone still reads it. But if you do please vote and comment 🫶🏼🫶🏼

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