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𝐿𝑜𝑠 𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑠,𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑎 1982

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𝐿𝑜𝑠 𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑠,𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑎 1982

The last time Brie saw her mother she was sixteen years old. They had a violent fight that ended in the both of them getting arrested.

Brie had been in her shitty little bedroom laying on the mattress as she cuddled up to Danny when her mother came stumbling  through the door. The two teenagers weren't together any more but had remained good friends and still spent a lot of time together,when Brie caught sight of her mother a wave of shock took over her because the woman had been gone for three months and Brianna was almost positive that she wasn't coming back.

"Delaney,are you here honey." She heard her mother screech from the kitchen,rolling her eyes the girl slowly stood up and walked to the door,Danny hot on her heels as he knew the two would most likely come to blows as it was a regular occurrence when the mother and daughter spoke to eachother. Sad,really but that's just the way it was. At the sight of a tall,tattooed man in her kitchen Brie rolled her eyes once again and put a hand on her hip as she leant against the doorway.

"What do you want?" We're the first words to leave her mouth not 'where have you been' or 'are you ok' or 'I was worried' because the girl didn't give a shit,she hated the woman more than anything and every time she would disappear Brie hoped it would be the last. "Don't talk to me like that" her mother scolded through gritted teeth as she kept the sickly sweet smile on her face "aren't you happy I'm home?" She questioned,waiting impatiently for an answer from her daughter.

"No,I was happy when you weren't here." The venom in her voice made Danny cringe internally as he knew what was coming next. "I am your mother you selfish little bitch! How dare you talk to me like that after everything I've done for yo-" Brie was seething at this point "Everything you've done for me? Are you fucking serious? The best thing you did for me was when you left for almost a year when i was seven! All you've done is ruin my life you fucking bitch. Your not my mother your just the piece of shit that gave birth to me so I'm gonna talk to you however the fuck I want." Danny pulled the girl backwards and her back hit his chest gently as he wrapped his arm around her middle,her chest was heaving as she tried to catch her breath from the shouting.

"Your an ungrateful fucking cunt Delaney! How dare you fucking blame me when it's all your fault anyway. If it wasn't for you your father would still be here bitch,you drove him away like you do to everyone around you. The people that you call your friends? They don't care,not really. Your just there because you'll sleep with them no questions asked you fucking slut! Just wait you little shit because in a few years time your gonna be all alone and everyone will forget about you because your nothing." Her mothers words became more slurred the louder she got but Brie understood every word and the anger that was burning in her veins became ten times worse.

"I'm nothing? Really? That's rich coming from you,your basically a fucking prostitute and your gonna call me a slut? I was fucking one when he left! He left you ok,not me. You just blame me to make yourself feel better about it. Open your eyes and realise your the fucking problem." As soon as the words left Brie's mouth her mother raised her hand and brought it down straight across her face.

Brie's head snapped to the side and the rage she felt couldn't be held in any longer. The girl lunged at her mother and tackled her to the floor just as Danny tried to grab her. Lisa clawed at her daughters face as the girl threw punches at her birthgiver,feeling a muscly arm pull her away she looked down and noticed the tattoos. "Let go of me you motherfucker! Don't fucking touch me fucking cunt!" Brie thrashed around in the guys arms as his grip tightened before he threw her onto the floor. Brie's head bounced off of the floor and Danny rushed to check she was okay before he pulled out a pocket knife and ran at the guy.

Brie let out a grunt as she felt someone grip a handful of her hair,turning her head she was met with Lisa snarling at her like a rabid dog. The girl grabbed her mother's wrist and forcefully pried her hand away from her hair,quickly standing to her feet Brie swung her fist into her mother's face and repeated the action. Lisa grabbed an empty bottle of wine and threw it straight at her daughter,who didn't duck out of the way in time. Brie felt the glass slice her face and she winced as she ran her fingers over the cut.

Everyone's heads snapped towards the door when it was kicked down and about ten cops rushed In "LAPD GET DOWN NOW" Brie felt herself get shoved face first into the floor as the same thing happened to Danny and her mother. Turns out Danny had accidentally killed the guy that had hurt Brie and he was being placed on a stretcher in a body bag. The three of them were read their rights just before being dragged out of the apartment building in cuffs. Brie's heart had almost shattered when she saw the look of worry and devastation on Ola's face,slash was stood next to his mom and younger brother with wide eyes as he watched his bestfriend get thrown into the back of a cop car,sure it wasn't the first time it had happened but he knew that this time she was being arrested for something much more serious than a fight or petty theft.

Brie spent a year and a half in a juvenile detention centre and as far as she knows her mother is still serving her six year sentence in prison along with Danny who was sentenced to fifteen years for murder.

Pls I don't know what this is💀😭
Anywayyy this is the last flashback chapter at the moment. The last encounter Brie had with her mother wasn't very good huh? I will be getting back into carrying on with the actual story from now on. As always votes and comments are appreciated~Scarlett.  👁👄👁

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